iTroll Gen2 - questions


Honored Member
Jan 14, 2016
Ok, I was about to pull the trigger and purchase the iTroll Gen2. I read a few threads and there seems to be a little frustration with the programming, especially when it comes to using the "Hunt" function.

So, before I order, I had a few questions for those that own the iTroll.

1. Is the Hunt feature worth the money and programming effort to have included with the iTroll?

2. Is the Neutral safety feature necessary? I have a remote control (throttle/gear shift) for my electric start kicker.

3. How finicky is the speed adjustment on the iTroll? From what I've read, the knob goes from idle to full throttle in less than 3/4 of a turn.

The main reason for getting the iTroll is that my remote control is far from being finesse when trying to set the speed. I am either doing 1 mph or 3 mph, there is no middle ground. I have seen Trollmasters used on other people's boats, but have not seen an iTroll in action. Trollmasters have been getting bad press lately, so that is the reason for the focus on the iTroll.

Any insight or practical experience would be appreciated.

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Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 24, 2015
I have an original Troll. About 3/4 turn from idle to full throttle is correct. 0 issues with mine unless the kicker is "cold". I suspect many problems related to either Itroll or Trollmaster is folks not running their kicker very often and then expecting it to be flawless when the motor hasn't run in 8mo. I try to run my kicker a little each weekend, even if it's just a few hundred yards, at least enough to get the gas that's been sitting in the carb bowl run through and fresh stuff in there. Meaning the problems are actually with the carb'd kicker and not the rheostat throttle.

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