I am the state director of ND for Hometown Hero Outdoors you may have seen my previous posts about HHO and what our mission is....in case you haven't here is our website.
In short we take Veterans and law enforcement out on outdoor adventures for free (or very minimal cost to them)
We do various fundraising events throughout the year including raffles. That got me thinking outside the box. I've got connections in the liquor business (store owners and distributors) and I threw together a really awesome bourbraffle ticket. There are only 500 tickets available and the drawing will be held during a bourbon tasting at Broadway Liqours in Minot on March 19th 2021 (need not be present to win, delivery available in ND, MN and WI). 100% of our proceeds go directly to our mission and none of our staff gets paid a dime unlike quite a few Non-profits out there.
In short we take Veterans and law enforcement out on outdoor adventures for free (or very minimal cost to them)
We do various fundraising events throughout the year including raffles. That got me thinking outside the box. I've got connections in the liquor business (store owners and distributors) and I threw together a really awesome bourbraffle ticket. There are only 500 tickets available and the drawing will be held during a bourbon tasting at Broadway Liqours in Minot on March 19th 2021 (need not be present to win, delivery available in ND, MN and WI). 100% of our proceeds go directly to our mission and none of our staff gets paid a dime unlike quite a few Non-profits out there.
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