Company's strong arming employees into gettting covid vaccination.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 15, 2015
He was being hypothetical with the sheep thing that you greened and bolded. Put your train back on the rails!

One would hope, but there are a lot of Gomer Piles one here.


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 16, 2015
Down by the river
My brother posted this on Facebook and went to jail


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 12, 2015
Cavalier, ND
One would hope, but there are a lot of Gomer Piles one here.
I will play devils advocate here because I am sucker for a good conspiracy theory, first off I know you have been reading the corvid sticky thread so you know that when a person is talking about people who would be considered sheeple capt is talking about those who are running to the clinics to get the free beer because look now we have a reel crisis in the form of a beer shortage and now we know why. I know for myself if I was diabetic, obese, hiv positive, over 60, or any other auto immune issue I would have to change my perspective of what is important to me my pride or my life.

Second what if his post was correct in that those who got the vaccine are the ones who will survive if the real super virus is unleashed on the world. How bad would you feel knowing that you could have stood up from the beginning used your life as an example that i am being prepared for the what if moment. One can look in revelations for examples as to what is coming and if you look closely things look eerily familiar to those examples. Captn rarely if ever makes bad judgement calls on posting such a cynical idea, as a world that looks very much similar to the movie V for vendetta. I get it Rowdie you are scared for the future and you wanted to stick around for a little longer. You are the prime example that anyone for or against on here all agree that those with some sort of immune issue need to weigh the options of the benefits of taking the vaccine.

I believe that you are the first person that I can say that I have read on this site that has taken the vaccine because of your health. Now that I know that it puts things into a little more perspective as to who has been effected by my derogatory and somewhat distasteful remarks towards those who have taken the vaccine, I said that I wouldn't apologize again but of course here I am apologizing again, so I am sorry for calling you Rowdie maybe not directly to you but in over generalizing remarks that you were a fool for taking the shot when there are other drugs that you could have taken but for one reason or another did not. again please accept my apology because i would hate to lose one of our nda members because they didn't take some kind of precautionary measures what ever that may be. Me i am going to stick with licking door handles


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 15, 2015
Thank you Lunk. I'll say it one more time though. I don't think I'd die, because I know much older and less healthy people who got it and recovered. But I DON'T LIKE BEING SICK. I'm was not scared of the vaccine. I was more scared of the virus. Just don't want to get sick from it. It's all based on FIRST HAND experience with it. It's really disheartening to see how people are politicizing the vaccine. Creating two groups and trying to separate them with privileges is just wrong. BOTH sides are doing it and it's sickening.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 21, 2015
The vax dont do shit IMO. Just look at the governor from TX. Fully vaccinated and now has Covid. Hmm


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 12, 2015
Cavalier, ND
When the demoncraps stole the election using mail in voting as well as using foreign countries to manipulate the voting machines it became not only political to me but personal in ways that 4 years 7 months ago I would have never given a shit either way. Donald j Trump even though he has brash personality that the old GOP would have never endorsed if it wasn't for the people in overwhelming numbers embraced him even with his flaws as a true American president for the people and the powers in Washington didn't like what was happening so the tried and failed to pin him to Russia Russia Russia, 2 bipartisan impeachments and to many to list scandals. And we still voted for him all 75 million of us true American patriots. So yeah the covid started off as a uncertain moment in world history to a full blown shit show of a magnitude that will be felt for the next 100 years. And its only been 7 months into the clown show. So yeah it's personal for me because like it or not my wallets is over 700 hundred dollars lighter for one reason or another this time last year. I suggest you look at what happening in other countries and how they are treating there citizens in regard to a virus no matter how you cut it with a recovering rate of 99.99 percent. That's a fact of undeniable truth

Captain Ahab

Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 22, 2015
Really? All vaccinated people are just SHEEP! GTFOH! I couldn't wait to get the vaccine. I don't wanna be sick form Covid. I may still get it, and I feel much better about if I get it now. I'll get the booster If I need it. I don't like getting sick, plain and simple. Not to afraid that I would have died, but I am in my 50's and diabetic.

That being said, no one should be FORCING it on anyone else. IF it prevented you from getting it and spreading it, which it doesn't, then there would be some argument for it. Since the vaccinated people get it and spread it, unvaccinated people should be left alone. If I'm standing outside in the rain under an umbrella, and someone else CHOOSES not to use an umbrella, why should I care?

The Green bolded text may be the stupidest thing I've read on the covid since it's outbreak.

- - - Updated - - -

Oh, and my employer, and my wifes, gave us a $3000 INCENTIVE to get fully vaccinated. Since we all ready were, FREE CASH!!

It's just a hypothetical thought for the super conspiracy people. I don't really give a shit.

Covid is a real bad deal for some. I've seen it first hand. The "shot" was never touted as the end all winner of Covid. If you get it, it is supposed to help "some" and potentially help you die less often. I just watched a big "anti-vax" "Covid is fake" guy get admitted to a hospital bed. I hope he makes it, but I bet it will be a long road battling a "fake" disease.

The stuff isn't a joke, and it isn't a death ride either. It's like a bad bad flu. Get the flu shot to potentially lessen the effects or deal with it if it happens.

Happy Thursday!


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Jun 26, 2018
Southcentral ND - Southcentral AK
The vax dont do shit IMO. Just look at the governor from TX. Fully vaccinated and now has Covid. Hmm

From the actual real data I've seen, the vaccine significantly reduces your chance of death and hospitalization. This has been proven with data. Unlike what was originally thought, it doesn't appear the vaccine reduces your chance of getting the virus, just mostly reduces symptoms. This is what the legit medical data says; not politicians or the media. For some reason we have 30% of the population focused in on their side of news media Kool Aid tank that can't seem to grasp this. As soon as we can get all the delusional people on either side to come to terms with this and stop arguing like children, the remaining 70% percent of us in the extremely annoyed and politically exhausted middle can get back to our lives.

I'm not vaccinated, don't plan to and don't care if anyone else is. I've had confirmed Covid once and got through just fine and I believe I caught it a second time that was much more mild. I'm low risk to die. The risks of a non-FDA vaccine currently outweigh the risk of me and my wife getting seriously ill from catching Covid. With that said, I hope that people like my grandma got the vaccine. The side effects seem like less of a risk than if she were to catch Covid.

As far as companies requiring vaccination, it will be interesting to see where things go with the new presidential announcement that any nursing home worker providing care to Medicaid and Medicare patients needs to be vaccinated. I wonder how long it will be forced onto other providers for Medicare and Medicaid. It may give my wife's boss the final reason to drop Medicare and Medicaid patients completely. He's been talking about it for years because he makes so much less money off them. Could be interesting if others think like him.

I managed to make it 18 months without making a post about Covid. I just made two. My first and my last. I'm sure if everyone just keeps arguing we will come to a mutual conclusion and agreement......



Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 12, 2015
Cavalier, ND
Yep sure does but the vaccine has other side effects that can also cause serious health issues to healthy people that have no business taking it in the first place. When there are other drugs that are already approved by the FDA so a person knows exactly what the side effects are going to be. These drugs do the exact same thing as the vaccine is supposed to accomplish and that is to lessen the severity of the virus but cost the American tax payers pennies to produce. it's remarkable how everyone continues to forget that the vaccine is costing us 19$ a shot. So what you are saying is that if I get the shot for a virus that has a survival rate of 99.99 in health Americans it will alleviate my systems that is comparable to the seasonal flu. Lets also not forget that the clotjab is only good for an avg of 3 months then you have to get another booster shot all over again. Yeah I will pass and I will continue to provide you with the information that the media conveniently continues to forget for some reason.

- - - Updated - - -

Yes please do continues to stand firmly on the fence but when shit gets real remember where you heard it first.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 22, 2015
i got my first shot of moderna today... had consults with my long time local doctor and have read extensively online, both good and bad... not that i have to explain, but i will as it might help someone else struggling with the decision...

i had covid about 2 months b4 it was a thing, i'm 99% sure... went to bed 3 nights and wasn't sure i'd make it until morning... had all the symptoms and have had breathing problems ever since... have had asthma since i was a kid along with allergies, and the talk of the new strains pushed me over the edge... after the first bout of covid, i take meds every day for breathing help to get through the day... if i get covid again and my daily effects from the first time get any worse with the second, i probably couldn't work anymore...

i took my tinfoil hat off a couple months ago and got a new perspective... what captain said earlier has crossed my mind... but the elites wanting a lot of us dead - i don't buy... i truly believe it is being used as a political and power tool to make us act as they wish, but they need people to fight and win wars, take out the trash, serve them food, build them cars, yada yada yada...

i have responsibilities and dreams... i have a lot of people older and weaker than me that count on me every day... the LAST thing i ever want to be is a burden to them... in my mind, the shots lowers that chance...

just my .02... medical decisions should never be complicated by popularity contests or political affiliations... they should remain a personal decision without pressure from either side that doesn't know YOUR personal situation...

good luck...


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 15, 2015
The restaurants are just trying to comply so they can stay open and survive. I doubt many would require vax cards unless mandated. They're not the bad guys, and by not supporting them, your killing the little guys and helping the big boy chains.


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 6, 2015
If you guys really want to think, try this on for size: If this was a massive conspiracy, they would not want to hurt the folks that got the vaccine. They are the ones that listened and are the "sheep". The ultimate deal would be to get the sheep to get vaccinated against something truly deadly and then release the "finisher" disease. Then all the independent/nonconformists die an untimely horrible death and the powers that be are left with the "sheeple". Why punish the ones that listen??? Hello???

I see someone watches Conan O’Brien


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 24, 2015
I really could care less if your vaccinated or not.
But I definitely do not think folks should be forced to take the jab when almost 100% of those that contract covid live, it makes no sense.
My uncle in his mid 60 and my aunt got the shot in June. the day before they were to leave on vacation. The next day while having his morning coffee he fell over dead from a massive blood clot. He and my aunt had been together since the 7th grade, tough deal.

My wife and I both had covid at the same time. Mine was just loss of taste and smell, she had fever, aches and stuff for about a week. While I had it a Dr friend of ours invited me over to their deer hunting camp fully knowing I was positive. Gave me a big hug and a bottle of schnapps the proceeded to pass it on to all of the other guys. As far as I know 6 came down with it from that night none had anything even close to serious. He told us that if this shit had made its rounds in the 70s and 80s we would have just called it a bad flu season.
But with the elections going on and social media they blew it out of the water the likes that we had never seen before.
Was talking to a good friend just today and they had someone come down with covid that worked in the medical field.
After she recovered the hospital where she worked highly recommended the vaccine shot. She asked what the average antibody count was for someone her age and health after the shot and they said around 500.
She then asked what her antibody count was from her natural immune system since they had done the lab work. At first they didn't even want to disclose those numbers to her and she had to demand to see them. Come to find out it was around 10,000 naturally!
What in the hell is going on here?
If you want the shot go get it, if your elderly or have a compromised immune system absolutely go and get it. But why force the healthy, or the ones that have had covid and have natural antibodies? Something just doesn't feel right the way they are pushing this shot on everyone.
They say it has an almost 100 % chance of survival if you get it and that's not counting the 10s of millions that had it and were asymptomatic and didn't even know it.
I was reading about reinfection recently, there is a big surge in the vaccinated getting reinfected. Yet try to find reinfection numbers from those with natural antibodies, they can't even get enough numbers for a study. Again what the hell is going on here?
Instead of pushing an experimental vaccine why not try to get the message out that being healthy and taking lots of zinc and vitamin D will most definitely keep your from getting covid in the first place. You NEVER hear this from the CDC.
And why does our family Dr and his nurses that I just saw last week all say they aren't getting the shot..answer me that if its so good for you?
Just wish this world we are in wasn't such a shit show right now and we were all getting along pretty good again, I miss those days.
I've been fishing Sak for about 4 weeks straight almost every single day, sure helps the body and soul I can tell you that!
Take care guys and stay healthy.

"until its safe" means never..
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★★★★★ Legendary Member
Sep 4, 2018
I really could care less if your vaccinated or not.
But I definitely do not think folks should be forced to take the jab when almost 100% of those that contract covid live, it makes no sense.
My uncle in his mid 60 and my aunt got the shot in June. the day before they were to leave on vacation. The next day while having his morning coffee he fell over dead from a massive blood clot. He and my aunt had been together since the 7th grade, tough deal.

My wife and I both had covid at the same time. Mine was just loss of taste and smell, she had fever, aches and stuff for about a week. While I had it a Dr friend of ours invited me over to their deer hunting camp fully knowing I was positive. Gave me a big hug and a bottle of schnapps the proceeded to pass it on to all of the other guys. As far as I know 6 came down with it from that night none had anything even close to serious. He told us that if this shit had made its rounds in the 70s and 80s we would have just called it a bad flu season.
But with the elections going on and social media they blew it out of the water the likes that we had never seen before.
Was talking to a good friend just today and they had someone come down with covid that worked in the medical field.
After she recovered the hospital where she worked highly recommended the vaccine shot. She asked what the average antibody count was for someone her age and health after the shot and they said around 500.
She then asked what her antibody count was from her natural immune system since they had done the lab work. At first they didn't even want to disclose those numbers to her and she had to demand to see them. Come to find out it was around 10,000 naturally!
What in the hell is going on here?
If you want the shot go get it, if your elderly or have a compromised immune system absolutely go and get it. But why force the healthy, or the ones that have had covid and have natural antibodies? Something just doesn't feel right the way they are pushing this shot on everyone.
They say it has an almost 100 % chance of survival if you get it and that's not counting the 10s of millions that had it and were asymptomatic and didn't even know it.
I was reading about reinfection recently, there is a big surge in the vaccinated getting reinfected. Yet try to find reinfection numbers from those with natural antibodies, they can't even get enough numbers for a study. Again what the hell is going on here?
Instead of pushing an experimental vaccine why not try to get the message out that being healthy and taking lots of zinc and vitamin D will most definitely keep your from getting covid in the first place. You NEVER hear this from the CDC.
And why does our family Dr and his nurses that I just saw last week all say they aren't getting the shot..answer me that if its so good for you?
Just wish this world we are in wasn't such a shit show right now and we were all getting along pretty good again, I miss those days.
I've been fishing Sak for about 4 weeks straight almost every single day, sure helps the body and soul I can tell you that!
Take care guys and stay healthy.

"until its safe" means never..

Purposely trying to infect people with anything is super fucked dude


Founding Member
Founding Member
Jul 9, 2015
Has anybody actually looked at the covid numbers in the upper midwest states, this is a friggen joke


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 24, 2015
Purposely trying to infect people with anything is super fucked dude

The Dr. sure didn't think it was, neither did our parents when they took us to the chickenpox parties as kids come to think of it.
I kind of think infecting healthy folks and young children with an experimental vaccine is pretty messed up myself.

- - - Updated - - -

Interesting to say the least.

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