Our Neighbors to the East


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 26, 2015
East Central ND
There's dash cam of the initial stop... but only short snippets.

I can't stand how MSM puts together a montage of snippets and sets the narrative. Until/unless you can see all the footage, uninterrupted, you're left with being spoon fed a narrative.

I have no idea what went down, how, or why... because there's an agenda that is being served in the reporting.

I trust a grand jury to figure it out.... but with the backdrop of future riots hanging over their heads the entire time.

This is all BS and it's been fostered by very powerful people who are controlling the public like puppets on a string.

- - - Updated - - -

You know how many officers have been killed/hurt by dirtbags who "became compliant" or "expressed distress"... (i.e. rested for a short period) then flipped out when the cop laid up on them and ultimately injured or killed the cop? Plenty.

I've seen countless videos where the perp screams and moans like they're in total distress the entire time - when they're not. Then, after being under control, they swear or spit at the officer and it's clear it was all an act.

Is the cop supposed to have a crystal ball that helps them determine if they're being played (very common)... or if the perp is being honest?

What a thankless horrible job - especially these days.
How long do you kneel on someone before they are considered not resisting? When they are dead?? Not saying the cops have an easy job but this is what they are trained for supposedly. With all the recent killings from police officers I'd like to know when they started teaching them to shoot first and ask questions later or kneel on someone with cuffs until they pass out.

- - - Updated - - -

I'd also add that there are some cops that should not be in the profession just like every other job. Some people do not have the temperament for the job. I'd never make it as a LEO.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 21, 2015
Faaargo, ND
No clue - I'm not a cop. I have no idea what made four cops (all under public scrutiny) decide this very big dude was worth controlling/cuffing. But I do know that the MSM story is rarely an unbiased one.

I guess these four cops were all just racists, looking to kill a black guy in front of onlookers, so they could go to prison where they'll live a life of leisure, without their loved ones to hassle them. :::


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 26, 2015
East Central ND
Don't even listen to the story just watch the video and listen to the guy breath his last breath.

Guess he deserved to die that day for passing a fake $20. :::

That guy

Honored Member
Mar 19, 2019
What happened was not good.

GF Police officer was shot and killed yesterday. Wife and 10 month old. Maybe I'm to cynical but pretty sure no stores were looted or buildings burned in GF.
Fairly certain by the name of the guy who killed the officer isn't white not that that should matter or should matter in MN either but can we go "protest" in GF for the cop that got killed? Pretty sure there is quite a bit of crap in GF that should be burnt down starting with the indoor practice facility for UND football. Was there the other year for the kid's track meet while it was raining outside wasn't much less water coming inside either.


Honored Member
Thread starter
Jul 17, 2018
There's dash cam of the initial stop... but only short snippets.

I can't stand how MSM puts together a montage of snippets and sets the narrative. Until/unless you can see all the footage, uninterrupted, you're left with being spoon fed a narrative.

I have no idea what went down, how, or why... because there's an agenda that is being served in the reporting.

I trust a grand jury to figure it out.... but with the backdrop of future riots hanging over their heads the entire time.

This is all BS and it's been fostered by very powerful people who are controlling the public like puppets on a string.

- - - Updated - - -

You know how many officers have been killed/hurt by dirtbags who "became compliant" or "expressed distress"... (i.e. rested for a short period) then flipped out when the cop laid up on them and ultimately injured or killed the cop? Plenty.

I've seen countless videos where the perp screams and moans like they're in total distress the entire time - when they're not. Then, after being under control, they swear or spit at the officer and it's clear it was all an act.

Is the cop supposed to have a crystal ball that helps them determine if they're being played (very common)... or if the perp is being honest?

What a thankless horrible job - especially these days.
Oh come the fuck on! As an extremely conservative white man watching this video angered me so much I can’t explain it - I am very much in the corner of law Enforcement and a piece of crap like this cop has just made all of the rest of law enforcements jobs so much harder. This cop has placed a target on other good cops backs. How on earth could you watch that video and come to any conclusion other than murder - 5 minutes of kneeling on his neck while he screams he can’t breathe, pisses his pants, nose runs with blood, and loss of movement and never even thinks “hey maybe I should adjust the way I am doing this” - this is just awful. I don’t disagree with you on the biased media though.


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 4, 2015
Little Minnesota (Fargo)
What bothers me with all of this is how certain people and media always make it about color. How many of these incidents aren't based on color yet it is "white cop shoots black man"? How many of these same incidents types of incidents occur and just don't get the attention because it isn't white and black? I could care less if your skin color is purple as there are piece of shit, worthless people everywhere that come in all shapes, sizes, and color.

Regarding the riots, You have all of these "peaceful" protestors demanding fair rights and equality yet they are out there destroying the communities but don't want to be judged and want to be treated with respect? These protestors act like a bunch of rabid monkeys and should all be charged. These riots do way more harm than good if they truly were trying to drive for equality.

I have not watched any videos of the incident and won't form any opinions on it.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 13, 2015
Watch the remaining good MN business owners up and leave. Minneapolis is on a path to become the next Detroit.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 21, 2015
Faaargo, ND
He was handcuffed. The cops had guns/tasers, and multiple officers, and that guy kneeled on his neck for 8 minutes. As the lights go out, I'd panic and start thrashing around too. As he settled down (died), they let up on him. What was he supposed to do? Calmly lay there and asphyxiate?

Why would multiple officers sit around and "participate in a murder"? Something doesn't add up.

The only answer that makes sense is that none of them thought the guy was dying.

They had perhaps all been desensitized by a large number of previous perps who had pulled a similar "ow - you're hurting me" routine you see on every cop show. I bet they get that same situation all. the. time.

If that's the case, then all the previous losers who've used that to try to manipulate police have blood on their hands as well. They're basically teaching cops to ignore pleas of discomfort.

Again - what a shitty no-win job. I feel so bad for the majority who serve and serve well.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
Southeast Bismarck
Why would multiple officers sit around and "participate in a murder"? Something doesn't add up.

The only answer that makes sense is that none of them thought the guy was dying.

They had perhaps all been desensitized by a large number of previous perps who had pulled a similar "ow - you're hurting me" routine you see on every cop show. I bet they get that same situation all. the. time.

If that's the case, then all the previous losers who've used that to try to manipulate police have blood on their hands as well. They're basically teaching cops to ignore pleas of discomfort.

Again - what a shitty no-win job. I feel so bad for the majority who serve and serve well.

You're right. Being a cop is a lot like being the President. Someone, no matter what you do, is going to hate your guts.

But thinking up multiple reasons to pooh-pooh this, isn't helping either. I mean, this guy was in cuffs, while standing. They already had the most dangerous part of the apprehension accomplished.

I too would struggle as it became harder and harder to breath. If you listen to the audio, he was asking please, and calling the cop "officer".

But these cops had this guy in cuffs. If he was losing his shit, and banging his head on a patrol car, all they would have had to do is step back. They had the guns, and tasers, and they outnumbered him obviously. One of the earliest things I read was that kneeling on any suspects neck is not a "taught" maneuver. That it's not in their training book. But he wasn't losing his shit. He was face-down on the asphalt.

I watch videos of high speed chases, and by the time the cops catch the person, I sometimes wish they'd blow their head off. I understand adrenaline. but this cop kneeling on this guys neck had lots of time (I read 8 minutes, but I have now heard 5 minutes) to get off the guy's neck. I think this cop snapped. It's no excuse. If I were him right now, I'd want to be in custody.

I understand desensitization too. I get it that criminals lie (it's what they do). I also understand that some people should not be cops.

I think part of the "rage" about this (I use quotes around the word rage, because I don't feel that those looters are feeling rage, but rather seeing an opportunity to steal) is that the cops are still walking around. They got fired, so clearly what they did was wrong, but they haven't been taken into custody.

Again, I like cops. In my 50 years, I have had exactly one run-in with a crappy cop, and it was in broad daylight, not involving a vehicle, just a crappy cop having a crappy day, and he was a dick to me for no reason. Nearly all cops are good at their jobs, and they have a hard job to do.

I just think this particular cop killed that man, completely without reason. He killed the guy. I'm not saying murder, because I am no lawyer. I don't know what litmus test must be passed to go from manslaughter to murder. That's for the court.

As far as the fate of these officers, particularly the one who knelt on this neck and killed him... I guess whatever they go through, at least they're still alive.


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Jan 20, 2016
Im trying to keep an open mind during this whole deal but I recently read that the cop has numerous previous allegations of "excessive force" in the past? The part that perplexes me is how the other 3 cops did nothing while god knows how many people with phones & cameras looked on? Like "guywhofishes" mentioned above, something doesn't add up?

Migrator Man

★★★★★ Legendary Member
Feb 3, 2016
Shouldn't we wait for the cause of death before we jump to conclusions and charge someone with murder?
No bad cops do not deserve special treatment. This is why they are rioting. He should have been charged with murder right away and sat in jail just like anyone else would have been treated. They can always reduce charges or drop them if needed.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Jul 21, 2015
Devils Lake
Officers got fired was just one of the consequences of that man dying. Perhaps, just perhaps, authorities are getting their ducks/facts in order with PROOF with what case and charge can be made and successfully prosecuted. Perhaps that is what is what is going on. It does not look good for at least one of those officers however. Protests are fine...its a way of expressing oneself regarding some injustice. Looters are just a bunch of folks looking for a convenient/easy way to steal and burn from stores that have nothing to do with the shooting itself. They need to go to jail!
I believe there are bad eggs in all areas of the human race(cops included). Perhaps that has happened here. I dont know yet.
I do find it somewhat ironic though that some in the MSM are so emphatic that there is rampant wide spread dirtyness regarding Cops(and report on it non stop) yet this same group refuse to believe that there also may be some dirtyness within the top reaches of the FBI.

Migrator Man

★★★★★ Legendary Member
Feb 3, 2016
How long do you kneel on someone before they are considered not resisting? When they are dead?? Not saying the cops have an easy job but this is what they are trained for supposedly. With all the recent killings from police officers I'd like to know when they started teaching them to shoot first and ask questions later or kneel on someone with cuffs until they pass out.

- - - Updated - - -

I'd also add that there are some cops that should not be in the profession just like every other job. Some people do not have the temperament for the job. I'd never make it as a LEO.
They need to hold the bad cops accountable for their actions. That is the only way to gain the trust of minority communities. This cop performed an unapproved pin for an unnecessary amount of time and it ended up killing this guy. I don’t think the cop intended to kill him but should be charged with manslaughter. Let him off and it kicks the ball down the road further.


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 15, 2015
All I can go by is the video I've seen, he never resisted arrest IMO. He was hand cuffed, he was led to the vehicle he's in cuffs on his stomach on the ground with an officer kneeling on his neck for a good several minutes. What would be the reason for kneeling on a cuffed persons neck?

At what point did the officers put him on the ground? I have not seen any video which shows when & why he was put on the ground. I have seen a video where he fell on his own but that was on the curb side of the vehicle. They show multiple videos but they all have gaps in time so without the whole video any judgment now is premature until more facts come out. In one shot you can see a total of 3 officers holding him down so there appears to be more to the story than we know now

Migrator Man

★★★★★ Legendary Member
Feb 3, 2016
Shoot to kill, you loot we shoot
No castle law in MN. You must retreat. The pawn shop owner that killed a guy last night was arrested and charged with murder. If only they had done this to that cop.......

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