Persevere | 2023 ND Archery Whitetail | NPLife

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Oct 30, 2023 at 5:15 PM
Posted by NPO_Aaron
What a season. I started working on my archery stands months before season this year. There was a lot of hard work clearing brush and making food plots with the idea of drawing deer and keeping them around into the late season.

In the three weeks leading up to opening day, the deer were hitting oak trees hard and action was hot and heavy, but like deer so frequently do, they disappeared once season opened.

Two months of chasing North Dakota whitetail without as much as an encounter with a mature buck started to get disheartening. My food plot that I worked so hard on failed and the soybeans in a neighboring field held deer out of my reach.

I was trying to come up with a new plan when it happened, the snow. An October blizzard threw everything for a loop. Drifts blocked me out of my stands and the deep snow became impassable. I was about to call it quits for the season when my uncle volunteered to bring me in to one of his stands with the snowmobile. The rest is history. This is a buck and a season I'll always remember.
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