Spinner Harness Hack for Walleyes during Algae Blooms

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Sep 4, 2024 at 3:58 PM
Posted by Nodak Angler
Deadly walleye spinner harness hack for algae blooms, hot water temps or even during the fall when fish seem to prefer added vibration.

Double up two spinners and clevices much like what you see on many double bladed musky bucktails like a Cow Girl. Make sure to interlock the clevices and two blades will move much more water and add more vibration.

This modification to a basic spinner harness can work great in extremely dirty or turbid water and really shines during algae blooms. We also find situations where this altered harness really catches fish at higher speeds when water temps are warmer than 78 degrees and also in the fall when fish seem to prefer a bigger bait.

Often add a single long shank Aberdeen hook for either threading a half or 3/4 crawler or Eye Candy Jigging Crawler if you want added durability with more water displacement and the option of experimenting with color.
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