Recent content by Putz ND

  1. P

    AZ Big Game Lotteries No More

    Wow - this is a game changer along the likes we haven’t seen in a while. I’d be curious to know if the driving force is hunters who’ll never have the coin to bid on these tags or if it’s anti hunters exploiting the “unfair” woke sentiment to bring about change. Diminishing the budget of well...
  2. P

    ND State Class A &B

    You really can’t say it any better. Without access to year round training - whether that’s summer ice time, Sanford power or open gyms - an athlete will never attain their full potential. Athletes from affluent parents certainly tend to get these opportunities more than the others. That...
  3. P

    GF County Loses Public Land

    I’ve hunted a few of the areas they have closed. Took my first deer with a bow in one of them. Amazing hunting and an absolute shame that this access has been restricted. Does it surprise anyone that a political appointment has a self serving motivation?

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