Recent content by Tinesdown

  1. T


    Id have to think the best a company makes as far as equipment these days has to be good enough for u to use around any farm! Come on thats what there made for they are not cheap but they are made to be worked What im saying is no one puts put a shit product all equipment is good? Otherwise they...
  2. T

    Tree row rehabilitation?

    Have hunted birds in alot of areas id say the electronic posting has killed my hunting indefintly unless i just want to hunt and not give a shit hunt the old spot that were always open!
  3. T

    Tree row rehabilitation?

    Sad thing of the tree rows is nobody is planting any new ones The best bird spots iv had was in tree rows the roosters loved em for spots to hide. Hard to kill birds intree rows hunting singualar but could always get a stragler rooster that messed up

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