Recent content by woodduck30

  1. W

    Property taxes

    Not singling lunker out because there are many that think this way. This will help homeowners and renters out. I will not rehash as I already explained. Shrinking the size and power of our government is a great deal. So removing a tax is a win. Whether you are a homeowner or not. If you...
  2. W

    Property taxes

    And you will have my vote......well said!
  3. W

    Property taxes

    Sure, but not scared enough to vote for them to take more of our money so they can spend more. That would be like giving a child $20 allowance which they aren't earning. I'm not going to continue to give them $20 because I'm afraid if I give them less they will do a worse job.
  4. W

    Property taxes

    I can respect your point of view. But I would also argue it would be simpler just not to have anyone pay that tax. It would shrink our government.
  5. W

    Property taxes

    Property tax eliminated=Buying a property is more affordable More Buying=Less renting More supply of rental units=less rent costs Now this won't happen in all locations obviously. But if buying a home is just as affordable as renting (or close to it), then of course more people will buy...
  6. W

    Property taxes

    I never said OWN. PAY for where they live. Renters pay indirect property tax as well.
  7. W

    Property taxes

    What is the percentage of adults in ND that don't pay for where they live? I would think it would be less than 15%. But I could be wrong. As far as them raising other taxes.....if thats what they think is in the best interest for the people, they can go ahead and try. Thats why we have...
  8. W

    Property taxes

    I am very pro limited government, so its hard for me to understand why someone would want to keep a tax when our government spends countless hours trying to figure how to waste all the money we give them. And yes, some taxes are need. I could equate it to your boss coming to you and saying I...
  9. W

    Property taxes

    Only way you are not paying property tax is if you live rent free somewhere or live down by the river in a van that is not yours. Face Palm is exactly right. Anytime you have a chance to get rid of one of the many taxes burdening us........its a no brainer, get rid of it!
  10. W

    Property taxes

    ELIMINATE PROPERTY TAXES! Like others have stated, relief is a distracting pasification. Now our liberal governor wants to distract with eliminating income tax.
  11. W


    If you invest in crypto, good for you. As long as you are buying low and selling high just like any other investment. But if you are buying into crypto thinking it will replace the dollar..........Good luck, you will need it. If you have ever paid attention to how our government works, you...

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