Father's day


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Jul 21, 2022
Brought back many memories, some great some not so great but apparently i was a handful growing up my dad was very stern but never raised his hand but did put his u.s. army boots to use on occasion,growing up in a tough neighborhood he taught me much sports related from baseball and how to pitch various ball control using baseball stitching even knuckle balls,then boxing,weight lifting and track n field,from how to pace oneself long distance running high jumping ( long before fosbury flop) western roll days,streching methods before hurdles,foot timing in long jump and much more,cant imagine children today growing up in same couple homes with a butch female father figure,poor kids dont have a chance growing up in a rainbow society, sad really.

Looking back remembering the good old days that wasn't so good at the time because of strick discipline for my own good...us kids were wild and needed it to stay on our good behavior, sure miss the old fart as tough as he was,he never talked about his service in korea but i have his purple heart 💜 he was well versed with small arms and shooting in general open sight rifle shooting body positions bb and pellet gun in house basement shooting range good times.

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