Mystery Animal - Armchair help needed


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Apr 3, 2016
Those damn skunks , About a week ago one morning I set a bag of garbage just inside the walk in door to the garage and opened the overhead door and started a pot of coffee and was going to run the garbage out after the coffee was done. We have a step down to the garage and I was still half sleeping and in my housecoat I looked down on the way out the door and there's a damn skunk in the garbage. I caught myself and jumped back spilled my coffee on it and hid behind the door watching and the dam cat brushed my leg on the way out the door and I jumped again.

They had a stare down in the middle of the garage and Knucklehead put the run on the skunk and the skunk turned around and put the run on Knucklehead and he came running back in the house. I got dressed and looked around the garage and couldn't find the skunk anywhere so thought it had ran outside. A while later knucklehead came in the garage and was looking under the freezer and wouldn't leave so put him back in the house and could hear the skunk under there. There os only like a 2'' gap where the kickplate should be and it squeezed under there.

I collected my thoughts and grabbed a fishing rod and tied on some some smoked turkey in a baggie and set it in front of the freezer and sat in the pickup a ways away watching with my binoculars , His head was bobbing and he was trying to get out but was stuck under there. it took him quite a while to get out and he went straight for the turkey and ran under the welding table with it and was snagged so I had to go in and get it loose and put it back in the middle where I could see it and the second run I started reeling and he lifted his tail every time I drug the baggie, He went for it and grabbed some of the bait and went in the corner and ate it. I was watching him and it took a good 10-15 minutes to eat it he held it in his paws like a coon would .

He finished that peice and went for the bag again and I was quicker this time but every time I pulled it towards me he would lift his tail , Finally I had it outside and kept teasing it closer to me and he lost interest and checked out the raised garden and took off out in the yard. The wind was wrong so I didn't dare shoot him but I followed him to an old brooder house so at least now I know where he resides. No smell in the house but in got my heart pumping when I almost stepped on him. Been baiting him under the yard light but haven't got a shot at him yet. I have a live trap but don't want to take a chance .
I put together a Ruger 10/22 with a laser just for those night running vermin. The yard light would always reflect in my normal scopes so about useless. Has worked real good so far on a pair of stink-cats.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 26, 2015
East Central ND
Had a skunk dig under our garage about a month ago. Trapped and killed it. No idea how many I've killed over the years but that stench always sucks and there is no mistaking it!


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 13, 2015
Central, AZ
Davey if using a wire live trap walk up to it with a blanket or bed sheet in front of you or a plastic tarp and throw over the live trap once he is in it. Never had one spray after i covered the trap. You can then haul him where you want to dispose of the critter.
About 10 years ago i bought a couple PVC live traps. They must be 10'' or 12'' at least around with one end blocked off with solid metal and the other has a solid metal slide door with a trip plate inside the trap. Work slicker than snot and never been sprayed either.

My bride bought some kind of spray to use on the dogs when they got sprayed by skunks. Sprayed it on and rubbed in it.(using rubber gloves of course). Leave it on them for 5-15 minutes i think and then did the wash job with our homemade soap for the dog. No odor afterwards and worked well.
Will post the recipe if i can find it. I think it has glycerin and dawn dish soap in it and maybe something else.
This is close to what she used only doubled or tripled the ingrediants. This is after the skunk spray she used.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
Southeast Bismarck
I was thinking Fox too. My cat was looking out the window one night and going nuts so I let it out and after a while all hell broke loose and I heard a sound like I had never heard in my life, It sounded like a monster of some sort was killing my cat. As far as I know it was a Fox that had a den with pups under a building in the yard.

I give you a thumbs-up just for the description. Made me laugh. "a monster of some sort.."

Haha, seriously gave me the grins...

A couple of times I was wader-fishing alone, late at night. I'd hear something, turn my light on and glance at shore where my pack was. Set of glowing eyes, about 2 ft off the ground. Heebie Jeebies… I must have been a monster of some sort...

still chuckling..

Davey Crockett

Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 22, 2015
I'm not positive that it was a fox but assuming it was since we had a pair right in the area of the yard where the battle took place. If it was I'd say pound for pound a fox can send a louder sygnal than any critter I have ever heard. Our cat is territorial and must be a good fighter because he only has a couple noticeable battle scars and they are on his back .

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