The last dance


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 18, 2015
Northeastern SD
I don't see much tv but this one I'm liking so far. The bulls were awesome but I remember really wanting Barkley, and KJ, and Thunder Dan Majerle to beat them. I really love basketball but NBA today is tough to watch although as much as I'd like to agree with the reasons you guys gave I just cant. The fact is there just isn't enough court for these guys now, too crowded for these dudes. They are so much bigger, faster, stronger, athletic than even 10 years ago, forget about 20+years ago. The ways guys score like they do now almost always well contested is unreal. Things that woulda made me come out of my chair in 1996 are now routine buckets. Case in point in episode 4 I think when there were talking about John Paxon getting open, cool guy btw, that just doesn't happen any more. Those shots are made completely over top of someone now, no one who can shoot gets left open now, too much speed. Shaq "in his prime" isn't among the top 10 strongest guys in the game today and they are all quicker and can score from anywhere. That's why we don't compare eras for anything other than entertainment value, it just doesn't make sense. MJ is the best to ever do it though, not even close, no need to want a magic time machine to compare because the basic human being stats don't lie.

I kinda disagree with this. NBA today is 90% me ball. All one on one. Drive and kick. 80s-90s was more team oriented for most part. Did I read you right? Shaq wouldn't be in top strongest guys?? NO way. Shaq would score 50 a game now days. NBA today is small ball. There are very few big men anymore. Who do think is stronger than shaq? He was 7'1 320lbs in prime and could run and jump like a deer. Go look at his highlights. There is no one that would stop him in todays game. Guys seem faster and quicker and maybe are a tad bit but it mostly just looks like it because of lack of today's D. Those years it was tough man 2 man with help side D. When Boston had a nice run they always had 3 guys on the court who were pushing 7'0. They could run, physical D and more important..guys could shoot back then. Now they talk about shooting as a specialization. WHAT? You're a pro bball player...shooting should be first mastery. That is biggest difference I see is overall shooting. Those days guys any size could shoot. Now you have specialist like Curry etc. Those old boys were competitive hit men and I think would kick the sh!t out of todays boys.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
It’s basketball not football. Why should they be able to hammer people? High scoring games are better in my opinion

Steph curry is a freak. Best shooter ever. I would say in my opinion today’s players are way better shooters than “back in the day”. MJ Barely ever shot a 3. His mid range game was the best of all time tho. Kevin Durant, nowitzki, towns, Anthony Davis to name a few are 7 footers who can drain threes all day.
whether you want to admit it or not today’s athletes are much more athletic than the old days. From top to bottom. There are more teams now which even dilutes the talent per team more. There isn’t a bunch of white plumbers and electricians in the league anymore.

with all that said modern athletes are pussies. I agree. Lol

Bird was awesome. Someone said he did more with less than anybody. I would agree if you are talking about physical talent. But if talking about teammates it’s hard to argue against Lebron who brought a team of no name scrubs to the finals. (Lebron is a bitch btw)

I love MJ. He’s the goat. But pippen was the 2nd best player in the nba at the time. The year mj retired the bulls still won a shit ton of games.

at the end of the day you can’t compare eras. You can argue until you’re blue in the face. Players would adapt to play the way the game is.


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 18, 2015
Northeastern SD
I agree with some of that's NBA is all 3s. Can't name too many that can hit mid range jumpers. They flat out can't. They drive in for a dunk or kick for 3. Travel like crazy and play crap D. The truth is today's guys are NOT NATURALLY better athletes. Very few lifted weights/trained, diet etc in the 80s. Just started getting popular in the 90s. What if some of those old boys had the nutrition, weight training, knowledge etc that today's guys do. Who knows what we would've seen! But naturally take away training etc they are no more athletic that the old boys. Hell, Jordan talked about guys smoking at halftime wanting to get games over with so could drink! Espn played the 92 Dream team championship game the other day. Those boys were insane good both ends. They all could score at will and shut dudes down defensively. Charles Barkley may be most underrated player. Man he was an animal! Led dream team in most stats. But you are right hard to compare. It's a different game. I just prefer the older games because they played better D and had good team skills. Those dream team players would dominate today too. Pippen, Jordan, Malone, David Robinson, Bird, Magic, Barkley etc. Not too mention Kareem, Olajuwan, Worthy, Dr J, Ewing, shaq, Mullin, Reggie Miller, Isaiah the list goes on.
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Founding Member
Founding Member
Jul 21, 2015
Devils Lake
Anybody remember Pistol Pete Maravich? He was a scoring machine back in the day.
"Pistol" Pete Maravich's 44.5 points per game average (1,381 points in 31 games) during the 1969-70 season, an NCAA high by a mile, probably will stand forever.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 23, 2015
If they had the 3 pointer when Maravich was around, he would have averaged 50 a game.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Jul 21, 2015
Devils Lake
NBA is overrated now a days...its not a team sport. Probably don't even need a coach. I'd rather watch paint dry then watch multi millionaires shoot a ball.

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