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  • That last quip was slightly/a wee bit beneath you. You're one of the "intellectuals".

    I'd personally skip the Hunter. I HATE injection molded (tupperware) stocks and I HATE detachable magazines even more. I much prefer a blind magazine.

    On your timeframe the other option would be one of the new Barrett Fieldcraft rifles. Unfortunately, you're probably not going to fine one on the shelf to compare with the Kimber, that said, I wouldn't hesitate to buy one.
    How's it going? I don't get on here much anymore. Would like your advice on a rifle. Mountain rifle for elk. I've talked to you about the Kimber Montana before. Looking at 308 because of rifle weight and bullet options. Considering the Mountain Accent at about 1800, Montana at 1100, and the Hunter at 800. What do you think of the Hunter. I've seen pretty good reviews. The Montana is a 1:12 twist, the other two 1:10. If the stalk is much better on the Montana over the Hunter I would go that route. I was sold on the Accent but now the more I think about it I'm not sure the weight savings of 5 ounces and the muzzle break are worth the additional 700. Thoughts? I have an elk hunt with Kurt R in Idaho in October which is where this rifle comes in. We plan on spiking out and then returning every couple days. Typically go to Wyoming every other year but this year I'm going there for archery in September. At any rate I don't see any better option for cutting weight than the Kimber's.
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