★★★★★ Legendary Member
Morning Gents, got a question regarding tow capacity on 5th wheels. The wife and I currently have a 27ft bumper pull, but we are planning to upgrade to a 5th wheel this year or next. I've noticed most of the newer 5th wheels have the hitch attached to the rear frame, but looking at the specs, most state they have a 3,000 pd tow capacity. So I assume they are a Class III receiver? But every weekend during the summer, you see 5th wheels being towed with a 5k glass boat behind it...so are those guys throwing caution to the wind or did they get a Class IV receiver put on their 5th wheel? Can 5th wheel frames handle a higher capacity class hitch? My current Lund set up weighs less than 3,500 pds, but good chance I'll have a 4,000 pd set up soon. Always appreciate your experience and insights...thanks gents!