These people and all those like them deserve the most aggressive form of rectal cancer. Aside from the fact it's illegal to drive your wake boat within 100 feet of another boat that is working a shoreline with the electric motor deployed, only a true bottom feeder would do it twice.
The sole purpose of your high powered douche canoe is to create a huge wake. Do you think you might operate somewhere in between the boats fishing the east shoreline and the THREE FUCKING MILES to the next closest shoreline??? No, it's probably better to just weave the narrow gap between the walleye boats and the salmon boats...
After sitting patiently and expressionless the first time, the camera and middle finger came out when it became evident I would be treated to another pass with multiple waves splashing over my bow.
It would be nice if NDGF would spend less on the talking signs and clipboard holders so they can dedicate more resources to removing idiots from the water.