Another school shooting


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 6, 2015
Spot on,my point exactly.
if parents are FULLY responsible, they should be allowed to punish as they see fit also. Some kids just need a good ass whoopin from time to time... Unfortunately in our society, parents arent ALLOWED to parent how they see fit, so you cant make them 100% accountable for their bad children either.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 15, 2015
I keep hearing that parents aren't "allowed" to discipline their kids. Really? So there are actual laws that say you can't spank or use corporal punishment? I know there are child abuse laws, but there's a difference in discipline and abuse. I know parents that smack their kids when they need it.

I truly believe that good parents and parenting starts from the time the kid is a baby. My Niece is a great parent IMO. Now these kids live on a ranch west river SD, and I think that's a huge advantage. But they have had DISCIPLINE. They've been told NO and yelled at when needed since forever. BOTH parents MAKE THEM LISTEN! There is NO OTHER OPTION but to DO AS YOU'RE TOLD from the time they are babies. They go to church most every week, and like helping on the ranch. The 4th grader is already running the riding lawn mower and raking hay. They both are involved in youth wrestling and other sports. And they are spoiled, in that they get all kinds of toys, and nice toys, like dirt bikes and fancy remote control cars. But they listen and if I asked one to do something for me they would just do it. I think they are great kids, just the fun loving young boys all over rural ND and SD. Oh and they don't own any video games.

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