I've have had decent luck with the typical rubber slip-ons.
But are there any that are way superior? That never ever slip off, have HEEL traction (I've lost it on heels a number of times carrying auger), etc? Always fun to go looking for the one that slipped off in deep snow.
Seems like even at $50-$60 bucks (if any are even that expensive) it's really cheap insurance against a broken wrist, tailbone, elbow, or wrenched back. (sorry dirty)
I'm tempted by the boots with screws/spike - but would hate walking into gas stations, restaurants, etc. with golf spikes on. (I am not a sconi)
But are there any that are way superior? That never ever slip off, have HEEL traction (I've lost it on heels a number of times carrying auger), etc? Always fun to go looking for the one that slipped off in deep snow.
Seems like even at $50-$60 bucks (if any are even that expensive) it's really cheap insurance against a broken wrist, tailbone, elbow, or wrenched back. (sorry dirty)
I'm tempted by the boots with screws/spike - but would hate walking into gas stations, restaurants, etc. with golf spikes on. (I am not a sconi)