Bass lures and trout paste for walleyes, long john silvers over ceviche for seafood, and rush 24/7 sober….cmon he’s either a complete enigma or screwing with us right????
One time Back In the Hills a pard & I were fishing a freshly stocked, slow moving/gin clear hole. It was slam full. For hours no one caught shit. Pard wasn't as patient as me about fishing and wanted to quit.
I dug around through the vest one more time and found I had two 1/8oz marabou crappie jigs. I told him I "heard" they'd catch trout and tied one on to the Garcia/Mitchell 308/UL two piece Ugly Stick/4lb Trilene XL combo.
I pitched out the jig and we watched it kick up silt when it hit bottom. It was immediately attacked by a pack of trout. We were watching this like in an aquarium: I had to set the hook multiple times before I connected. We went on to C/R 20ish trout apiece that day to the chagrin of multiple anglers.
Every since then I've been sycophantic about "doing something different". I've C/R many "Whopper" walleye from the bank. My son's first was 7.8lbs below the Darling dam when he was three on a Dale Jr. combo spooled with 6/20 PowerPro: (August--Vampire Rap/wire)
Braid works well in closed face reels. It's now/was newly round at the time. It burns up the drag...
I don't bullshit about fishing. I DO screw with you a lot.

May replace the paste. IDK: