Tucker wants it to go to lottery, it would take the guys with the hounds out of the game. Let me ask everyone on here is it illegal to guide on national grasslands? If this is correct do you think your going to call the guys up with hounds and say hey can you take me out mountain lion hunting for free!! The guys with the dogs would be out of luck which makes no sense at all. If you have extra lions after the first season let them carry over to the late season. Another question what do the deer, elk, and bighorn sheep biologists think of the over population of mountain lions? They say the sheep got a disease or did they get eaten by the mountain lions? Mountain lions are proven to eat deer and lots of them I would bet a dollar they take out a few sheep as well.This lady will not tell us the truth about the population she is trying to protect the mountain lion period! No mountain lions = no job for mrs. Tucker!!!!! Maybe she would have to apply to become the new wolf biologist.