Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Robert Sharpiro came up to ND to do some duck hunting. They shot at several ducks while pass shooting and finally Jesse Jackson hit one and it fell into the adjacent field that was posted. He started to go after it to retrieve it, but the farmer who owned the field had been watching these guys and he came over to stop him. The farmer stopped Jesse and said “my land, my duck”, Jesse got upset and said it was his duck. The farmer insisted it was his duck. Jesse said ‘My name is Jesse Jackson and I’m a big city attorney, and if I can’t go get that duck, I will take you to court and will sue you for your land and take it away from you because that is how we do it in the city” The farmer thought for just a moment and said “ Nice to meet you Mister Jackson, but that’s not how we do things here in the country. We have the 3 Kick rule to handle disputes like this” Jesse asked ‘what’s the 3 Kick rule?” The Farmer responded “each of us takes turns kicking the other guy 3 times and whoever is still standing gets the duck” Jesse took one look at the small stature farmer who was in is later 50’s and was only about 5’5” said “okay, let’s settle this your way.”
The Farmer says “Perfect, I’ll go first”. He kicks Jesse in the kneecap and causes Jesse to fall over. His second kick he uses to kick Jesse in the stomach while he is on the ground. The third kick, the Farmer kicks Jesse in the face, making him bleed from both of his nostrils and splitting his upper lip. Jesse hobbles up to his feet, limping because of his dislocated knee cap, slightly bent over holding his stomach with one hand and wiping blood off his face with his other hand. Jesse says “okay, now it’s my turn” The Farmer replies “Ah, you can have the duck” J