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Well I will say that I know a couple hunter dudes from SD who help out a couple of farmers or ag producers who have paid hunting on their land. They basically go release a number of birds from pens before the "hunters" show up, then guide said hunters. They tell funny stories of how terrible some of these hunters are at shooting sitting birds, let alone flying birds. They say lots of times the pheasants are reluctant to fly, dogs catch em and they have had birds sit at their feet where they could have picked them up and wrung their neck.

So I guess my point is this is probably the future of hunting, especially as habitat disappears. But you don't need much habitat to raise pheasants in a pen.

On a side note, the hunters who pay a handsome price to shoot pen raised pheasants are usually very generous folks, lots of them will stop and buy a new fancy expensive shotgun, use it for a couple hunts, then donate it some local outfit for a fund raiser.

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