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The sincerely hope the GnF is speaking out AGAINST this stupidity.  If not, then I want to know just how in the flying flubenhouer fluck does shooting the reproductive capability of a big game animal, namely mule deer, "maximize outdoor opportunity"?  Furthurmore, if 12-13 year olds can travel to western ND to whack a mule deer doe, they can by gosh darn travel to Minnetucky for free (10-12 year olds) or for 5 bucks (13-17 year olds) and shoot does where that state wants to reduce whitetail populations.  I'm all about opportunities for the youngsters and I think I've proven that over the years, but putting MORE pressure on the limited mule deer population that is already harassed, harangled, and run around from the beginning of bow season to the end of bow season (Over 4 months BTW) and then chased around by mountain lions, the rest of the year is IRRESPONSIBLE GAME MANAGEMENT!!!!  In my humble opinion.

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