I believe the cost for a new kit is now $350, which is down significantly from the $500 I paid 3+ years ago. It looks like they do have a couple different options for plans, 1st one is the residential.. $120/month, unlimited data and it's essentially just month to month... Since you pay for the gear up front theres no real need for long term contracts...
The other package is like a "Roaming" package. U can use it anywhere, doesn't matter if you move around a bunch. They have a 50gb/month package for $50, or an unlimited package for $165...
If your just looking to use it at the lake and thats it, not move the dish around and use it in different places, I would do the residential plan for $120/month + equipment. You can turn it on and off whenever you want and as often as you want.... They do also have refurbished equipment packages available as well for $199. I know when SL first came out you could have the residential package and go wherever you wanted and use it, but I don't know if they have made any changes to stop that...
As far as range goes, just think of it as a normal wifi network. Thats essentially what it is. Package will have the rectangular satellite dish, a little post and a base, as wel as a long ass cord and a router. Run 1 cord from the dish to the router and power up the router and your in business.... I think it only took me like 10 minutes to set it up at the house when we had it....
Oh and just for reference the speeds are pretty good too. Every time I ran speedtest.net I was usually in the 350-500 mbps range for my download speeds and 100+mbps upload.....