

Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 24, 2015
Lincoln, kinda...
This! There are some great tutorials online. I've set one up at my folks' place, and you can literally catch dozens in a night.

I have some diving board traps that I use with 5 gallon buckets. One should put water, or this time of year, antifreeze in the bucket. You'd be surprised at how many jumping mice I catch this way. If there's no water in the bucket they just jump out.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 30, 2015
Bottineau County
I’ve heard of using a powder all along the perimeter of your house to find the path. The thing about mice is they are always weeping urine so once a trail is made the rest follow in droves.

This right here, you have to find how they are getting in and plug that up or it will just get worse. It takes a very small hole for them to get in, we had the same problem and I over looked a small hole thinking it was to small for them to get through, put flower out to see where they were leaving tracks and sure enough the dam things were going in that small hole. Plugged it and not a mouse now for two years.


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Oct 29, 2019
Man, first you gotta figure out how they're getting in the house and put an end to that. After that, I use the little green chunks of poison in tight spots where mice like to travel and only mice can get to. I'll lay 3 at each location and check them daily. Always knowing how many you've laid down helps you track how you're doing and its pretty rewarding when they stop disappearing. I also like them big sticky pads along walls and runs in the garage. I also keep seeing an advertisement for repellent scent packs (Grandpa Gus) with great reviews. I ordered a pack to check em out. Throw behind work bench and in the pickup which only moves a few time each winter. We have a couple stray cats in the neighborhood I feed just enough to keep around also.

Moved into our house exactly two years ago. Previous owner had an old boat and car next to the house and I'm guessing when he moved them, mice came flocking out and it lined up with freezing temperatures. First night in our new and very nice house and a mouse stuck his head out of our fireplace. I declared war. Killed 6 in the house that night until I figured out where they were coming in. Haven't had one in the house since. Killed 35 in the next month outside the house and in garage. Maybe had two total in the garage last year after doing what I outlined above.

Funny story, I decided to go with my heated floorless shelter moose hunting last month. I had a shrew in there each evening with me as I sat and ate (he was probably in my sleeping bag too). The first night I freaked out and probably looked like a looney tune trying to chase him down with my boot. But after a bit we became buds. I was solo so it was kinda nice to have someone to bounce ideas off of each night. On day 9 I had packed everything up and was sitting in the empty tent reading and waiting for an airplane when the little guy popped his head in and looked around like "what the hell happened to our set up man?"

Why would you poison mice in a house or garage? They get behind stuff and die and start to stink. And the stink is sometimes in the wall.


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Jun 26, 2018
Southcentral ND - Southcentral AK
Why would you poison mice in a house or garage? They get behind stuff and die and start to stink. And the stink is sometimes in the wall.

Ya, don't do that. I guess I figured that part goes without saying. I trapped the mice in the house, closed the gap they were getting in and never had another one in here. Only use traps and sticky traps in the garage. I keep a clean garage and all mice stick along the walls so they aren't in there very long when they do get in. Set sticky traps behind tool box, work bench, and freezers; which are the only places for them to hide. I only use poison outside. Under decks, fireplace overhang, behind garbage storage, around wood pile, around green house, etc.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 13, 2015
Mouse spray
Mouse traps - outside the type that have the no way out
Green food stuff (decon) over by the neighbors
Spray foam yup
Moth Balls - for shed only (squirrels hate that stuff too)
Cab Fresh in the boat
Vacuum and clean everything
Mint bags for storing - mint mint mint
Kill everything around your foundation - bugs and weeds.
Remove the wood

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