Active Shooter on Youtube Property


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 23, 2015
Rowdie, you seem to be a bit perturbed over some simple questions. It also seems as if you think I think we no longer need the second amendment which is a large mistake to believe.

I am a bit surprised you think the govt setting up "free speech" zones and threatening to jail those that speak out against the govt outside those zones is not an example of "tyranny". Apparently the 1st amendment is subject to govt approval (ya ya I know you cant yell fire in a theater.......a little different than protesting the violation of the law by a govt try not to go there okay.)

Nor did I expect you to be a defender of the NODAPL protest ideologies.........

Where did I ever suggest that the 2nd is not needed? You really do seem to be missing a point that perhaps if you took a deep breath and became less perturbed you would understand (then again maybe not) Maybe a few less high school girl "OMG SMH LMAOs" and you might begin to get it.

Perhaps you have not read past threads on here so your ignorance of what self proclaimed conservatives have said can be excused. But when you label those that simply bring light to federal agencies breaking the laws they are suppose to follow that simply state they are willing to exercise their 2nd amendment rights as "crazy asses".........maybe your ignorance does not deserve to be excused.

You see that is the point. instead of embracing the ideals of our Founders that actions like what I list that you try to dissect and dismiss are pure and simple govt overreach/tyranny, you want to pick and choose what you will use the 2nd for because you seem unwilling to actually learn the truth and fact behind what our govt is doing. (in my best grown up voice).

The Founders did not place the 2nd in our Constitution to blindly follow a bunch of "crazy asses" (even though that is what a large number of the colonist thought them to be at the time) ..........but they DID expected us to find the truth in what our govt is doing and hold them accountable and the 2nd as well as the 1st and the representative portion of our govt thru elections are the tools they gave us to do so.

If you actually wished to have a dialogue I would gladly continue this discussion, but it appears you would rather not.

So in closing I will try to type slowly while sharing my belief.

When those that historically have defended the reasons the 2nd is in our Constitution (conservatives) malign those that are following thru with why our Founders included it in our Constitution, it takes away the legitimacy of the claims of those that believe in why we truly do need it in the eyes of those that WOULD remove it.

Hopefully that clears the air a bit.


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 6, 2015
I very much disagree with this. Few people "Deserve" to get shot. This person allegedly shot these folks because they were there and working at a business she felt did her wrong. Not these people in particular, just the business did her wrong. I highly doubt these folks made any decisions on where her youtube channel was placed. Even if they were, does this justify shooting them? This is like shooting the girl at the McDonalds counter because you got onions on your burger when you didn't ask for them, got bad breath, and you think you didn't get a job because of it. This is a senseless pain filled event perpetrated by a psychotic and insane individual. My heart goes out to those injured in this tragic event and I pray for a rapid recovery for all involved.

You are taking my post literally. I didnt mean anyone deserved to be shot per se, I meant that youtube has been kinda fing people over for quite a while now and something bad was bound to happen. You screw enough people over and eventually someones gonna retaliate. Many people put significant work in to the videos they post and rely on the money they make to survive. I dont know if what they did to this woman was justified or not, but a lot of what they have been doing lately is purely discriminatory to people they dont agree with. That is there right to do what they want with their site, not saying its not, but still, what goes around comes around.
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