MT Elk with a Rifle


Founding Member
Founding Member
Jul 15, 2015
I struck out during the archery season. Had a few close calls, but couldn't get it done. I'm heading back out for the rifle season, but can't decide where to go. Is there anything in particular that I should look for during the rifle season?

All of my research for archery season focused on the secluded, steep and nasty areas. Access to these areas will be very difficult during the rifle season, so I'm back to square one and trying to get a few areas nailed down before rifle opener. Any input on areas that would be good to look at for rifle season?


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
Why are the secluded, steep and nasty areas out of the question?

that's where elk are. Especially during a general unit during rifle season


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Thread starter
Jul 15, 2015
Why are the secluded, steep and nasty areas out of the question?

that's where elk are. Especially during a general unit during rifle season

Not necessarily out of the question. I just figured the colder temps and snow (if there is any) would move them out of the remote country closer to their wintering areas. The only issue is see with hunting the area that I did during archery season is the increased danger because of the snow. Very steep with lots of rockslides.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Jun 14, 2015
While I lived in MT I use to hunt the Gravelly Mountain range south of Dillon MT, south of Black Butte. The rangers have been keeping the wolves out of that area for the last 15-20 years because it's a calving grounds for the elk. Don't be surprised if you don't talk to them once or twice while you are in that area. The best route in is past Ted Turners buffalo ranch and getting on Eureka Basin Rd and taking it to the top. There is a lot of places to pitch a tent up all the way on top near the Gravelly Range RD and the Eureka Basin Rd "T". There are 2 Forest Service cabins up there that can be rented but usually are within minutes of becoming available. I've seen 5th wheelers up there but I wouldn't pull one up because if it rains or snows the road turns to snot and I've seen trucks that have used the mountain as a brake instead of going over the side. Take your chains along if you go up there, that glacial silt on the roads is slick when wet. The more aggressive a tire you have the better off you will be "preferable 10 ply". I hope I made my point on that about how bad the roads roads can get! Just about anywhere up along the Gravelly Range RD would be good for hunting.

There is a ATV trail on top that runs off the Gravelly Range RD that goes back in several miles past Fossil Creek (which is a real bi@ch to hike) but there are a lot of places to hunt back there. Ther are 3 or 4 bear dens back in there and a "few" griz and black bears. I've also hiked in along Elk River and saw a lot of elk back in there. Don't go down Cottonwood Creek Rd more than a mile unless you want to go all the way down. That road turns to real crap when wet. I've hike it down from the top for a mile and a half or so and used ATV to get back out. I've seen elk, griz. and black bears there.

Fossil Creek from the south side by ATV is nice but will be crawling with shooters, anywhere along Fossil Creek the elk will be running everywhere opening morning, head in early or hike in from Gravelly Range RD. Same goes for Elk river just few shooters because of limited access. Cottonwood Creek and the south side of Black Butte will have a lot of shooters back in by the sheep herders camp. Coal Creek drainage area is a great place to shoot but you will have to hike in a mile or more, never hunted this only talked to others. Some will camp in by the gravel pit off of Gravelly Range RD and hike west into the Ruby River and Poison Creek Drainage, never hunted this only talked to others.

If there is a heavy snow and the elk move off the top they will head down the Elk River, Lobo River and the Tepee Creek drainage. If they go south they will use the Fossil Creek drainage, they may go over Landon Ridge and into the Snowshoe River drainage on their way south to the Red Lake area or turn east and head down the Fossil Creek drainage. If they go west they will go down the Cottonwood Creek, Ruby River, Poison Creek and the Coal Creek drainage.

Man! Can't believe someone dinged me with a negative reputation point for this.:;:huh
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Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 12, 2015
While I lived in MT I use to hunt the Gravelly Mountain range south of Dillon MT, south of Black Butte. The rangers have been keeping the wolves out of that area for the last 15-20 years because it's a calving grounds for the elk. Don't be surprised if you don't talk to them once or twice while you are in that area. The best route in is past Ted Turners buffalo ranch and getting on Eureka Basin Rd and taking it to the top. There is a lot of places to pitch a tent up all the way on top near the Gravelly Range RD and the Eureka Basin Rd "T". There are 2 Forest Service cabins up there that can be rented but usually are within minutes of becoming available. I've seen 5th wheelers up there but I wouldn't pull one up because if it rains or snows the road turns to snot and I've seen trucks that have used the mountain as a brake instead of going over the side. Take your chains along if you go up there, that glacial silt on the roads is slick when wet. The more aggressive a tire you have the better off you will be "preferable 10 ply". I hope I made my point on that about how bad the roads roads can get! Just about anywhere up along the Gravelly Range RD would be good for hunting.

There is a ATV trail on top that runs off the Gravelly Range RD that goes back in several miles past Fossil Creek (which is a real bi@ch to hike) but there are a lot of places to hunt back there. Ther are 3 or 4 bear dens back in there and a "few" griz and black bears. I've also hiked in along Elk River and saw a lot of elk back in there. Don't go down Cottonwood Creek Rd more than a mile unless you want to go all the way down. That road turns to real crap when wet. I've hike it down from the top for a mile and a half or so and used ATV to get back out. I've seen elk, griz. and black bears there.

Fossil Creek from the south side by ATV is nice but will be crawling with shooters, anywhere along Fossil Creek the elk will be running everywhere opening morning, head in early or hike in from Gravelly Range RD. Same goes for Elk river just few shooters because of limited access. Cottonwood Creek and the south side of Black Butte will have a lot of shooters back in by the sheep herders camp. Coal Creek drainage area is a great place to shoot but you will have to hike in a mile or more, never hunted this only talked to others. Some will camp in by the gravel pit off of Gravelly Range RD and hike west into the Ruby River and Poison Creek Drainage, never hunted this only talked to others.

If there is a heavy snow and the elk move off the top they will head down the Elk River, Lobo River and the Tepee Creek drainage. If they go south they will use the Fossil Creek drainage, they may go over Landon Ridge and into the Snowshoe River drainage on their way south to the Red Lake area or turn east and head down the Fossil Creek drainage. If they go west they will go down the Cottonwood Creek, Ruby River, Poison Creek and the Coal Creek drainage.

Man! Can't believe someone dinged me with a negative reputation point for this.:;:huh

Who ever dinged you is a straight up douche bag. Posts like this are what make sites this great. The information and detail is outstanding. Nice of you to put it out there.


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 20, 2015
Awsome post SeisMec Thanks for posting.. I don't elk hunt but thank you for sharing your wisdom to others !!!


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
Valley City
I dinged you with a positive rep point, so it's all good. Great Post!! Don't know if I would give out deer hunting details like that, let alone elk. Good on ya buddy!!!!


Founding Member
Founding Member
Jun 14, 2015
This isn't a SECRET HUNTING AREA!! This is a small chunk of a VERY large piece of National Forest Land. The Rangers that I've talked too say that there are at least 4 different "herds" of a few 100 elk each that use the Gravelly Range area. The area is at least 20 miles north to south and 6 miles east to west that they actually use during the summer months. On opening day you will see at least 50 to 60 trucks road hunting up there waiting for someone else to do the hard work and push the elk out of the back country. There are on a average of 50 campsites on top of that mountain on opening weekend at least. Hell, last time I was up there a few years back I could hear the guy across the road farting when he got up at 3:30am and bit2hing about making the fire so he wasn't freezing his arse off.
It's great being up there at 9000 ft with 25°F temps in the morning and humming down the ATV trail by 4:30am. Then hiking 1 and 1/2 miles along a game trail with a red light hoping not to find a griz. and not spooking the elk. The afternoons are even better when it's 70° and you are humping an elk back out that mile and a half with the help of a couple of buddies.

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