Recent content by bowhuntnd

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    Grouse numbers

    Anyone make it out this weekend curious to see what numbers everyone else was seeing . We saw way more numbers then we did last year. Managed 3 guy limits. Game and fish said numbers were down in our area. But putting some boots to the ground seems to make me think they didn't look to hard.
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    Another one down, Boys......

    Used to chat with Jake every time I seen him in scheels. Class act and was very helpful with anything hunting related. Will be missed
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    Hrc 3019?

    What's the update on this? Is it back in the house? Email your reps!
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    Wood fence

    Looking at putting up a 6ft wood fence this spring. Just wondering if anyone has done it themselves and any pointers they may have to save the headache. Is it worth doing or just hiring out?
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    Casper 10 month old red lab.
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    Elk outfitters Montana/Colorado

    Not looking for easy hunt. Just want to see elk and not afraid to put in the work.
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    Elk outfitters Montana/Colorado

    Looking for recommendations for an elk hunting outfitter in either Montana or Colorado. Looking at going next year. Would prefer some good scenery and good success ratio. TIA
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    "Excess" Corp lands above 1620 in Emmons and Morton Counties to Private Owners

    Call/Email your representatives. This will not be in sportsmen best interest.

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