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  • Congratulations! There are two large tracts of public land on the east side of highway 85 as you're heading north toward Watford City. The first is located just south of the Long X bridge and is quite rugged. The second is a few miles north of the bridge and about 10 miles east of highway 85. Both of the areas can be found on the plots maps. Access to the north section is through private land owned by Perry Ecker. Access to the south section is right off the highway. I'm sure there are other points to access the land but those are the two that I'm familiar with. Personally, I would get in touch with Perry Ecker and see what he has to say. His land borders the public and he was very helpful when it came to giving us ideas on where to locate the elk.

    Hello I have noticed in the past years you have been able to point people in the right direction for elk I'm trying to get a hold of you this year to see if you can point me in the right direction. I'm from Fargo North Dakota and I drew a cow tag I've been posting and haven't had a lot of luck with people giving me direction yet.

    Anything would help thank you
    Mike baker
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