Recent content by Trip McNeely

  1. Trip McNeely


    Most of the unit is reservation. And it’s a cwd unit so transport laws in effect.
  2. Trip McNeely

    New predator in ND? 😳

    I’ve heard the color phase depends on their diet. Here we see it eating red elk meat so safe to assume this particular creature eats a lot of red elk meat.
  3. Trip McNeely

    New predator in ND? 😳

    Haha when I came across the picture originally I laughed way harder than I probably should have. I showed my kids and they all laughed they’re asses off too. We have a joke in my home the kids chuckle about….. there’s actually 3 genders…… men, women, and Elmo. No one actually knows what the...
  4. Trip McNeely

    New predator in ND? 😳

    Haha there’s no sane people left in this world Allen 😂
  5. Trip McNeely

    New predator in ND? 😳

    This one was in the pembina gorge. Now we know why the pheasant population is taking a hit up there…….
  6. Trip McNeely

    New predator in ND? 😳

    Holy shit! That makes sense cuz the trail cam pic was from southeast of Williston about 45 miles 😲
  7. Trip McNeely

    New predator in ND? 😳

    Yea I think that’s a fake elk. Possibly just a gut pile placed on antlers to bait the creature in….they better be careful with the baiting laws we have 😬
  8. Trip McNeely

    New predator in ND? 😳

    So far the GNF denies any are in the state……
  9. Trip McNeely

    New predator in ND? 😳

  10. Trip McNeely

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    That’s your fault for continuing to read 😀
  11. Trip McNeely

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    Ok ok truce. Maybe I’m reading how you present things wrong. Is it the comprehension or how it’s presented… or both 🤷‍♂️😂 Either way we’re not on the same wavelength even though I think we’re in semi agreement about the issue. And I agree if they are going add an actual new ramp to replace it...
  12. Trip McNeely

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    Well that depends…. How many of the 39 are put on ventilators?
  13. Trip McNeely

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    Oh Allen you silly little goose 😂 you stated earlier the ramp removal is pretty much a done deal so quit squawking there nothing we can do now. Take your change and accept it and if you like you doctor you can keep your doctor. Basically sums up your previous post. And the replacement ramps are...
  14. Trip McNeely

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    We’re in a race for progress yet we are going backwards….we’re moving too fast and everything is out of control across all governments. Can’t we just fucking chill for like 2 years and leave everything alone and just enjoy life for a few years before we go back to “progress”. Progress is a rat...
  15. Trip McNeely

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    No actually I’m for being ok with the things we have now and not spending an absolute shit ton of “free” money to inevitably end up with a higher tax burden down the road. Why does “progress” always equate to more taxes. Always. Every single f-phing time. The last 15-20 years I’ve hear it over...
  16. Trip McNeely

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    Easy to tell government employees and private workers in this thread…. 😂 some want to be conservative with the tax money they work hard for. Some think grants and tax money fall out of the sky. Allen there ya go leaning left again 😲
  17. Trip McNeely

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    holy shit Batman! You mean it’s free?! It won’t cost any taxpayers anything because it’s agency and grant money. Holy cow what a great deal! Hey everyone free money!…… you can’t seriously believe anyone here is this naive…..
  18. Trip McNeely

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    Homie wanted to wrestle this sum bitch into the ditch so I obliged 🤷‍♂️😂
  19. Trip McNeely

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    Also have the deer in these studies been studied for any malnutrition?m throughout the study? Are they deficient in any mineral or nutrient that could cause onset of cwd? Are multiple uninflected deer given different diets or are they subject to the same feed and nutrients as infected deer? Does...
  20. Trip McNeely

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    You literally didn’t answer any questions. I don’t care how long penned deer live. If it takes 7-10 years to reach final stage CWD and the average lifespan of ND is 4.5 years then that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to be dumping money into any of this.
  21. Trip McNeely

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    And I’m going to continue feeding wildlife when I damn well please in my big boy pants
  22. Trip McNeely

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    You aren’t changing anyones minds here. What’s the average lifespan of a deer in ND? How long does it take to “clinically” succumb to CWD? I’m guessing those numbers make this entire thing a mute point don’t they?
  23. Trip McNeely

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    Well I guess I’m reasonable enough to know not everything is a conspiracy. I’m also reasonable enough to know when something stinks like shit there’s a good chance it’s shit. And the entire CWD narrative stinks like shit about as bad as Covid did. Every politician, and do gooder these days has a...
  24. Trip McNeely

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    Hey man…. I’m 23-0 on conspiracy theories the last 5-7 years…..that being said I can agree I’d rather have money spent in the country. How it’s spent we can just agree to disagree. My issue is less with the research and studies as it is with the beaucratic overreach and regulation based of...
  25. Trip McNeely

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    And that brings me to my next point and the point of this entire thread. “If” and it’s a giant highly doubtful “if” cwd is a real threat,l the point is we don’t want our tax dollars funding this shit! The same way we don’t want our tax dollars funding this waste of money walking liability to the...
  26. Trip McNeely

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    Yea I’m not buying what you are selling. Firstly we all know well by now that most of not all government studies have an end in mind and for the data to be skewed or even “fudged” I’d definitely need to know who the author of the Study and what their ties are to any other organizations. Also...
  27. Trip McNeely

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    I may not be a CWD expert or pathology major but I’m no armchair biologist either. The reason I didn’t wish to continue a career in my field of study was for this very reason we discuss. It’s not about animals or management. It’s about politics and money. I saw it from a young age and wanted no...
  28. Trip McNeely

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    If no one said the word cwd ever again and no one talked about it ever again we would continue on the rest of our lives not even knowing it existed. It’s a non issue. It’s the Covid of animal “disease” and it’s straight up another money grab scheme. No one will convince me otherwise. You can say...
  29. Trip McNeely

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    I appreciate you having the Kahunas to come on here and take heat. Keep us all posted. I feel the negotiation and compromise time is over. They won’t stop. They know one side can be pushed inch by inch. It’s time for leaders to push back on some of the garbage that’s floating around. Cwd, this...
  30. Trip McNeely

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    You mean the same school trust lands we have been trying to keep ranchers from being able to post for years so that the general public can access public lands? They want to shut it down completely? To any form of recreation? That’ll go over well….. Again…. who dreams up this shit? And then if...
  31. Trip McNeely

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    I’ve got a novel idea…… why don’t we keep all existing infrastructure in place. We move this pet project piece of shit to a new location( the new proposed park off Tyler parkway) so we don’t have half the town of Bismarck pissed off and then have to waste even more tax money to build or modify...
  32. Trip McNeely

    More CWD NE ND

    I will continue to shoot deer. I will continue to not get any of my harvested deer tested. I will continue to consume the meat from the harvested deer. I will continue to not live in fear of state sponsored propaganda .
  33. Trip McNeely

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    Fuck your cwd and the politicians who dragged it in
  34. Trip McNeely

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    Yes Kathy Fiest from Bianca realty. The house (McMansion) just south of the water plant that looks like it’s stuffed on the lot and should be in south port or misty waters. Not sure how many Kathy fiests there are in Bismarck. Never understood why you’d want that house in that spot other than to...
  35. Trip McNeely

    Federal court cases

    It ain’t my falt I can’t reed and rite good 😀

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