I'll chime in a little on the topic. Recall or no recall, I highly recommend checking your hitch at least once a year. They do wear and the locknut that you adjust to tighten it down can backoff over time, or just not have been properly adjusted at the factory.
I found this out (again) last year as my 18 yr old boat trailer hitch jumped off the ball at a local RR crossing early last summer. Totally my fault as I hadn't yet "tested" it for the year. How do I test them, it's simple. Hook up your trailer and put a lot of upper pressure on the ball hitch using the trailer jack. In the case of my boat trailer, the hitch was just plain worn out. I say this as the retaining portion of the hitch was sharp from being filed down. Roughly $40 later, I put on a new hitch and tested (then adjusted) the hitch to my ball.
Having a trailer come unhooked while at highway speed is a hair-raising experience!