Big game tracking dogs?


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 29, 2015
Western Sodak
Anyone use tracking dogs for big game recovery? I just had my first experience with one trying to help a buddy locate an elk. Very little blood but apparently the high end tracking dogs can individualize scent from the animal that was hit. They claim 50% recovery on deer and only 15% on elk. Unfortunately we didn’t locate the elk but the dog took us on a wild track. I’m sure they work but would be curious to hear stories of successful recoveries using dogs.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 12, 2015
Buddy has a beagle that has found lots of deer. Down south it’s a way bigger deal. I have friends I run dogs with who have watched the dogs find animals that would have never been found


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Oct 29, 2019
Anyone use tracking dogs for big game recovery? I just had my first experience with one trying to help a buddy locate an elk. Very little blood but apparently the high end tracking dogs can individualize scent from the animal that was hit. They claim 50% recovery on deer and only 15% on elk. Unfortunately we didn’t locate the elk but the dog took us on a wild track. I’m sure they work but would be curious to hear stories of successful

20.1-05-04. Using certain animals and artificial lights in taking big game unlawful.
1. While hunting, pursuing, killing, taking, or attempting to take, or to aid in the hunting or
taking of, any big game animal, an individual may not:
a. Use any animal except:
(1) Horses;
(2) Mules; or
(3) For the recovery of big game animals, dogs which must be:
(a) Leashed and under the physical control of a handler at all times; and
(b) Accompanied at all times by both a handler and the hunter
responsible for the taking of the big game animal.
b. Carry a firearm or archery equipment while using a dog during the recovery of a
big game animal, except a dog handler may carry a handgun during the recovery
of a big game animal when in the presence of the dog. A dog handler carrying a
handgun may not use the handgun in any manner to assist in the recovery of a
big game animal. A dog handler carrying a handgun must have permission from
the landowner or individual authorized by the landowner before entering private
land for the recovery of a big game animal. If a big game animal is found alive
during the recovery, the dog and handler shall leave the immediate area. Before
the beginning of the recovery, the handler of the dog shall notify the district game
warden of the involvement of the dog in the recovery of the big game animal and
provide to the district game warden the contact information of all parties involved
in the hunt and the location in which the big game animal was tracked.
c. Use artificial light, including a spotlight or automobile or motorcycle headlight,
except artificial light may be used in the recovery process of big game animals.
d. Engage in the practice commonly known as shining for deer. An individual who
shines an area commonly frequented by big game animals with artificial light,
between the hours of sunset and sunrise, is in violation of this section. However,
an individual may use an artificial light, night vision, thermal vision, or infrared


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 12, 2015
20.1-05-04. Using certain animals and artificial lights in taking big game unlawful.
1. While hunting, pursuing, killing, taking, or attempting to take, or to aid in the hunting or
taking of, any big game animal, an individual may not:
a. Use any animal except:
(1) Horses;
(2) Mules; or
(3) For the recovery of big game animals, dogs which must be:
(a) Leashed and under the physical control of a handler at all times; and
(b) Accompanied at all times by both a handler and the hunter
responsible for the taking of the big game animal.
b. Carry a firearm or archery equipment while using a dog during the recovery of a
big game animal, except a dog handler may carry a handgun during the recovery
of a big game animal when in the presence of the dog. A dog handler carrying a
handgun may not use the handgun in any manner to assist in the recovery of a
big game animal. A dog handler carrying a handgun must have permission from
the landowner or individual authorized by the landowner before entering private
land for the recovery of a big game animal. If a big game animal is found alive
during the recovery, the dog and handler shall leave the immediate area. Before
the beginning of the recovery, the handler of the dog shall notify the district game
warden of the involvement of the dog in the recovery of the big game animal and
provide to the district game warden the contact information of all parties involved
in the hunt and the location in which the big game animal was tracked.
c. Use artificial light, including a spotlight or automobile or motorcycle headlight,
except artificial light may be used in the recovery process of big game animals.
d. Engage in the practice commonly known as shining for deer. An individual who
shines an area commonly frequented by big game animals with artificial light,
between the hours of sunset and sunrise, is in violation of this section. However,
an individual may use an artificial light, night vision, thermal vision, or infrared
Cool we live in South Dakota it’s legal to use dogs.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Thread starter
May 29, 2015
Western Sodak
Most western states require leashes. Looks like more hoops in ND. Down south they straight up hunt with dogs.

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