Does color matter this much for walleye?


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
I think colors catch fisherman more than anything, but thats just me. Piece of string tied to a hook covered up with a crawler or minnow catches almost all of the fish each and every year for everyone in my boat. Has for 40 years, just have to put it in front of their face.
Fish are dumb!
On one of my last trips to Fla as a kid; my uncle took me out catfishing on a flooded creek. He was very confident with his cane pole, string, nut and hook. I had a Mitchell 300 on an UglyStik with 12lb mono.

Our bait was the large "milk worms" you get down there. I had a three way rig with a bell sinker; was able to cover more water with ease and "outfished" him at least 10-1: In a deep southern drawl: "Boy, you catch one more and yore goin' swimmin'.

Point being: Presentation is important and color is part of the equation. If I had a dollar for every time a color/size switch made the difference I could buy a Craftsman socket set and a large wheel of cheese.

This has been true with multi-species and really true with bass, trout/salmon and walleye.

That is all.

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