While we are experiencing the golden age of fishing in ND with over 400 fishable bodies of water, it may not last forever. Severe drought, aquatic nuisance species (ANS), overfishing on smaller lakes, winter kill, access, etc., along with crowding can all impact the quality of fishing we are currently experiencing. There is an organization that is working hard to maintain the fisheries and your fishing rights. That organization is the North Dakota Sportfishing Congress (NDSFC). The NDSFC has hired a lobbying firm to identify, track and provide input on legislative bills impacting fishing in ND. Some current legislation deals with license fee increases and ANS funding. New rules are also being considered regarding bait buckets utilizing lake water versus potable water in transporting minnows. As a united group, fishermen in North Dakota could have a powerful voice with legislators and the ND Game & Fish. If you would like to get your voice heard or belong to a local fishing club that would like to provide input, please contact: Rich Brueckner, President,, North Dakota Sportfishing Congress at fishing_127@yahoo.com for additional information.
Another organization that is looking out for Lake Sakakawea is the Friends of Lake Sakakawea of ND. (FOLSND). FOLSND focuses on issues impacting Lake Sakakawea and currently works with vendors around the lake, ND Game & Fish, federal representatives, water officials (both local and state), US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and others to promote and maintain Lake Sakakawea's natural resources. The FOLSND chairperson, Terry Fleck, serves on the USACE's Missouri River Recovery Implementation Committee (only 2 representatives per state in the Missouri River Basin) and a FOLSND board member routinely participates in yearly USACE meetings in ND and monthly USACE Missouri River Basin Management zoom meetings. For example, FOLSND Board of Directors (volunteers) weighed in on the Three Affiliated Tribes (TAT), Ft Berthold request to transfer 9 public access sites (approximately 1,200 acres) around Lake Sakakawea from the USACE to the TAT. This request is pending with the USACE and the federal Interior Department. If you would like to become a member, receive more information, etc., contact Rod Gilmore, FOLSND secretary, at rodg@bis.midco.net.
Another organization that is looking out for Lake Sakakawea is the Friends of Lake Sakakawea of ND. (FOLSND). FOLSND focuses on issues impacting Lake Sakakawea and currently works with vendors around the lake, ND Game & Fish, federal representatives, water officials (both local and state), US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and others to promote and maintain Lake Sakakawea's natural resources. The FOLSND chairperson, Terry Fleck, serves on the USACE's Missouri River Recovery Implementation Committee (only 2 representatives per state in the Missouri River Basin) and a FOLSND board member routinely participates in yearly USACE meetings in ND and monthly USACE Missouri River Basin Management zoom meetings. For example, FOLSND Board of Directors (volunteers) weighed in on the Three Affiliated Tribes (TAT), Ft Berthold request to transfer 9 public access sites (approximately 1,200 acres) around Lake Sakakawea from the USACE to the TAT. This request is pending with the USACE and the federal Interior Department. If you would like to become a member, receive more information, etc., contact Rod Gilmore, FOLSND secretary, at rodg@bis.midco.net.