Looking for a new rod


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 12, 2015
Cavalier, ND
If you are looking for something custom built let me know. I work with lots of different blanks and can hit most price points. Plus I can do colors and designs in her favorite colors to really make it her rod.
Or he could get her a new set of boobs, Buying your wife a new set of boobs is like buying her own custom fishing rod. You are most likely going to get more enjoyment out of them, then she is. Paraphrasing Rodney carrington lmfao 🤣
Way to go Lapper because after learning how to building my own rods, there is absolutely no comparison.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 12, 2015
Cavalier, ND
IMX pro is what I picked her up for Jigging. Guess she will have to use my bouncer rod for another summer

This is what you are looking for in a rod blank but it can also tell you if that imx pro was built with the guides wrapped on the spine correctly. And it's even easier with a reel on because all you need to do is place the handle on the floor with the reel on and with your pointer finger bend the rod tip down and it will spin to the direction of the spine, which will show you if the guides were placed exactly on the spine of the rod. This should be something everyone who is buying a new rod should do is look to make sure the guides are placed exactly on the spine of a rod blank, this effects the sensitivity and put unwanted stress on the blank that over time could cause it to break especially the tip. If you don't believe me do your own research don't just pick the first rod on the rack check to make sure that the guides are built by a builder who took the time to properly build that rod you are going to spend money on. JMTC
Congratulations juanr
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