North Dakota Game and Fish Department Permanent Registration Number for Equipment

Rick Tischaefer

Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2016

I need a little bit of your help with some proposed legislation. The fur hunting and trapping community has always had a strong interest in having an anonymous number assigned to each individual for the purpose of identifying equipment as required by law (currently snares). Previously, the automation and NDGFD licensing system could not do that, but on Friday (January 13, 2017) I learned that it now can. The ability to do that is a by-product of the legislature requiring NDGFD licensing to become automated last year. Many of the details are provided below. Such a change for the fur hunting and trapping community can also benefit those of us who fish the hard water with fishhouses. I am one of them, and I know of the problems that can occur when someone is up to no good and knows which shack is yours. It's not difficult to see the benefits of having the ability to identify your property with a number permanently assigned to you.

The North Dakota Century Code must be amended to allow this to occur. I am currently seeking legislators to get this sponsored and introduced. Because of this being late, introduction in to the House is no longer an option. The Senate deadline for introduced legislation is Monday, January 23rd. I am not sure what has to happen to draft legislation before introduction, but it may be too late for the Senate as well. I haven't been told that yet, so I hope to keep things moving along. I have been told the North Dakota Game and Fish Department supports this effort.

Right now I would like to make as many folks aware of this proposal, with working towards building support to make this happen. Pass this information along to anyone you think may benefit, and make a call or drop an e-mail to your legislator and ask for their support or sponsorship. I will keep everyone up to date with postings as things happen.

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Background information supporting a draft legislative bill to utilize a registration number issued by the Department to identify unoccupied fishhouses and snares in lieu of North Dakota Century Code requirements for name, address, and/or telephone number.

The North Dakota Game and Fish Department licensing provides an opportunity for individuals to view their licensing, lottery, and registrations on their website. Go to the North Dakota Game and Fish Department website homepage at “”; click on “My Account” in the upper right hand corner; complete and verify the “Customer Identification”. Welcome to your “My Account” page.

Registration requirements currently exist for darkhouse spearfishing. This registration is required annually and the registration number changes from year to year. You can register for darkhouse spearfishing from your “My Account” page (see center of page).

North Dakota Century Code (NDCC 20.1-06-07.) requires unoccupied fishhouses be identified by the owners name and address or telephone number.

North Dakota Century Code (NDCC 20.1-07-03.1.) requires a person using a snare to identify it with the person's name, address, and telephone number.

There has been interest within the outdoor community to have a means of identification for both fishhouses and snares that does not broadly proclaim the name, address and/or telephone number of the fishhouse owner or person utilizing the snare. Other benefits of a permanent number include ease by which the number would be displayed on the fishhouse, or engraved on a plastic or metal tag for snares (one line of six or eight numbers versus three lines for name, address, and telephone number); reduce repetitiveness in the event of address or telephone number change; anonymity from harassment, damage, destruction or theft; and each person having their own personalized permanent number. North Dakota Game and Fish Department personnel (law enforcement) could easily cross reference the number to a name within their automated record keeping system.

Previously, the North Dakota Game and Fish Department did not have the means to assign a personalized permanent number to any one individual. The ability to do that now exists, and if this legislation is passed and the NDCC amended, the Department will make registration available for “equipment”. This will be a one-time registration and will result in the assignment of a personalized permanent number to an individual. This number can be used in lieu of the current Century Code requirements, or any future requirements deemed necessary. With everyone's help, we can get this done this session, otherwise we'll pick it back up in 2019. If you would like a stand alone document for the information paper or draft bill, let me know.

Rick Tischaefer
President, North Dakota Fur Hunters and Trappers Association

Proposed Bill Draft

House / Senate Bill No.
Legislative Assembly
of North Dakota

Introduced by

A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact chapter 20.1-06-07 and 20.1-07-03.1 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to authorization for issuance of a registration number.


SECTION 1. AMENDMENT. Section 20.1-06-07 of the North Dakota Century Code is amended and reenacted as follows:

20.1-06-07. Fishhouses - Removal - Penalty. 1. A person may erect, have, or maintain on the ice in any waters of this state a fishhouse, used or to be used while ice fishing, or a dark house, used or to be used for spearfishing. Fishhouse and dark house owners are subject to the rules the director may adopt governing the construction, maintenance, and use of these units. The outside of each unoccupied unit must have inscribed on it, in readily distinguishable characters at least three inches [7.62 centimeters] high, the owner's name and address or telephone number; or registration number issued by the Department in lieu of the owners name and address or telephone number. An unoccupied fishhouse or dark house left on the ice without an owner's name and address or telephone number; or registration number issued by the Department in lieu of an owners name and address or telephone number may be removed or destroyed by the department. Any person who violates this subsection is guilty of a class 2 noncriminal offense. 2. Each unit must be removed from the ice by that date established by the governor's proclamation. Failure to remove a unit is deemed an abandonment and the director may remove or destroy abandoned units.

SECTION 2. AMENDMENT. Section 20.1-07-03.1 of the North Dakota Century Code is amended and reenacted as follows:

20.1-07-03.1. Use of snares for taking coyotes - Restrictions - Identification - Snare standards. 1. The governor shall establish by proclamation an upland snaring season for the taking of coyotes. 2. No person may set or lay any snare for the purpose of taking coyotes on land belonging to another private person without receiving written permission from that person. 3. A person using a snare for the purpose of taking coyotes shall permanently affix with a metal or plastic tag that person's name, address, and telephone number; or registration number issued by the Department in lieu of that person’s name, address, and telephone number to each snare being used. 4. The director shall establish and publish in pamphlet form safety standards for snares used for the taking of coyotes, which will prevent the accidental holding of deer and other appropriate animals. These standards must be followed by any person using a snare pursuant to this section.

No fiscal appropriation is required.

Retired Educator

★★★★★ Legendary Member
May 4, 2016
North Dakota
Could this be used in place of your SS# when applying for licenses? Like the idea and would like it better if number is used for all G&F business. Montana has or at least had a very simple number. Birthdate such as 01-23-1976-followed by another number dependent on how many people have the same birthdate. Very easy to remember.


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 14, 2015
Could this be used in place of your SS# when applying for licenses? Like the idea and would like it better if number is used for all G&F business. Montana has or at least had a very simple number. Birthdate such as 01-23-1976-followed by another number dependent on how many people have the same birthdate. Very easy to remember.

The GF site was updated recently and does not require entering your SSN any longer once it is on file. Go to the site and click Login. Check it out.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
Valley City
I like this!!! Hope it gets a foothold and goes through. Thanks Rick!!!


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
A much needed change for NDGF in my opinion. Have been using sportsman's ID numbers in many other states for years. Hope it passes!

Retired Educator

★★★★★ Legendary Member
May 4, 2016
North Dakota
Agree that I don't need to enter my SS# since I can log in. It's the "Having on file" part that I would prefer not be needed. Any other number is fine with me as long as it's an easy number to remember.

Rick Tischaefer

Well-Known Member
Thread starter
Jul 26, 2016
January 20, 2017 Update

Folks, January 20, 2017

I've got some great news! Senator Shawn Vedaa from Velva has offered to introduce the legislation. I need your help with a few things right now:

Please continue to let folks know about this legislation – friends; relatives; co-workers; fish and wildlife clubs; businesses that have anything to do with fishing (sell bait, fishhouses; and fishing equipment); guides and lodges; fellow trappers; or any other person or entity that may benefit by this legislation;

Drop an e-mail to Senator Shawn Vedaa and thank him for introducing this legislation and express your support!

Contact your respective Senator and Representative and ask that they sponsor this draft legislation with Senator Vedaa. Use this link to identify your legislators and their contact information -


Stay tuned. Monday is the deadline for Senate introduced legislation, so we should have a Senate Bill number for this legislation sometime early next week. I will pass any information related to this proposed legislation along as soon as I receive it.

Spread the word and make your contacts!

Background information supporting a draft legislative bill to utilize a registration number issued by the Department to identify unoccupied fishhouses and snares in lieu of North Dakota Century Code requirements for name, address, and/or telephone number.

The North Dakota Game and Fish Department licensing provides an opportunity for individuals to view their licensing, lottery, and registrations on their website. Go to the North Dakota Game and Fish Department website homepage at “”; click on “My Account” in the upper right hand corner; complete and verify the “Customer Identification”. Welcome to your “My Account” page.

Registration requirements currently exist for darkhouse spearfishing. This registration is required annually and the registration number changes from year to year. You can register for darkhouse spearfishing from your “My Account” page (see center of page).

North Dakota Century Code (NDCC 20.1-06-07.) requires unoccupied fishhouses be identified by the owners name and address or telephone number.

North Dakota Century Code (NDCC 20.1-07-03.1.) requires a person using a snare to identify it with the person's name, address, and telephone number.

There has been interest within the outdoor community to have a means of identification for both fishhouses and snares that does not broadly proclaim the name, address and/or telephone number of the fishhouse owner or person utilizing the snare. Other benefits include ease by which the number would be displayed on the fishhouse, or engraved on a plastic or metal tag for snares (one line of six or eight numbers versus three lines); reduce repetitiveness in the event of address or telephone number change; anonymity from harassment, damage, destruction or theft; and each person having their own personalized permanent number. North Dakota Game and Fish Department personnel (law enforcement) could easily cross reference the number to a name within their automated record keeping system.

Previously, the North Dakota Game and Fish Department did not have the means to assign a personalized permanent number to any one individual. The ability to do that now exists, and if this legislation is passed and the NDCC amended, the Department will make registration available for “equipment”. This will be a one-time registration and will result in the assignment of a personalized permanent number to an individual. This number can be used in lieu of the current Century Code requirements, or any future requirements deemed necessary. With everyone's help, we can get this done this session, otherwise we'll pick it back up in 2019. If you would like a stand alone document for the information paper or draft bill, let me know.

Rick Tischaefer
President, North Dakota Fur Hunters and Trappers Association

Proposed Bill Draft

House / Senate Bill No.
Legislative Assembly
of North Dakota

Introduced by

A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact chapter 20.1-06-07 and 20.1-07-03.1 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to authorization for issuance of a registration number.


SECTION 1. AMENDMENT. Section 20.1-06-07 of the North Dakota Century Code is amended and reenacted as follows:

20.1-06-07. Fishhouses - Removal - Penalty. 1. A person may erect, have, or maintain on the ice in any waters of this state a fishhouse, used or to be used while ice fishing, or a dark house, used or to be used for spearfishing. Fishhouse and dark house owners are subject to the rules the director may adopt governing the construction, maintenance, and use of these units. The outside of each unoccupied unit must have inscribed on it, in readily distinguishable characters at least three inches [7.62 centimeters] high, the owner's name and address or telephone number; or registration number issued by the Department in lieu of the owners name and address or telephone number. An unoccupied fishhouse or dark house left on the ice without an owner's name and address or telephone number; or registration number issued by the Department in lieu of an owners name and address or telephone number may be removed or destroyed by the department. Any person who violates this subsection is guilty of a class 2 noncriminal offense. 2. Each unit must be removed from the ice by that date established by the governor's proclamation. Failure to remove a unit is deemed an abandonment and the director may remove or destroy abandoned units.

SECTION 2. AMENDMENT. Section 20.1-07-03.1 of the North Dakota Century Code is amended and reenacted as follows:

20.1-07-03.1. Use of snares for taking coyotes - Restrictions - Identification - Snare standards. 1. The governor shall establish by proclamation an upland snaring season for the taking of coyotes. 2. No person may set or lay any snare for the purpose of taking coyotes on land belonging to another private person without receiving written permission from that person. 3. A person using a snare for the purpose of taking coyotes shall permanently affix with a metal or plastic tag that person's name, address, and telephone number; or registration number issued by the Department in lieu of that person’s name, address, and telephone number to each snare being used. 4. The director shall establish and publish in pamphlet form safety standards for snares used for the taking of coyotes, which will prevent the accidental holding of deer and other appropriate animals. These standards must be followed by any person using a snare pursuant to this section.

No fiscal appropriation is required.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 28, 2015
They will still have your SSN on file. They have to have it because the Feds require it so they can track down dead beat parents. They hold the state hostage by threatening to withhold federal funds if they don't collect it. Seems to me like your asking GF to spend a pile of cash to solve a problem that affects a very small number of people.


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 19, 2015
They will still have your SSN on file. They have to have it because the Feds require it so they can track down dead beat parents. They hold the state hostage by threatening to withhold federal funds if they don't collect it. Seems to me like your asking GF to spend a pile of cash to solve a problem that affects a very small number of people.

What post are you referring too?

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