So Many POS out there now a days


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 10, 2015
Really Bob, so if I read your posts right you want to evaluate all of society and try to figure out if someone is or might have a tendency to be a child molester, killer, rapist, thief, crazy fuck, etc., etc., etc., WOW is all I have to say to that. We spend enough of our tax dollars on this stuff the way it is. We as a society have become numb to the sick shit people do now days. Fuck that, what the problem is Bob, is that when these POS's do this kind of stuff and are found guilty of the crime they commit, the punishment isn't severe enough. We throw them in jail for 30 days to 10 years and put them back out on the street to do the same shit over and over. I believe in an eye for an eye. Do unto others what they do unto you. We need to start eliminating some of this scum from the world. I could go on and on but you all get the just of what I'm saying. As for the ass hats that are mentioned above that did this to the young kids is, first thing I would do is sterilization. Guys would have there nuts laid on something hard and hit with a 5lb hammer. Women would have their reproductive parts pulled out with a coat hanger without any pain medication. Let them feel what its like to be in pain. Then they would be shot in the head. In the town square and on TV for all to see. Then maybe Bob, just maybe, people would think twice about the stuff they do to other people.

deleted member

Founding Member
May 18, 2015
Devils Lake
i think i can get behind a simple bullet to the head. don't need any mid evil shit. just kill em. i think bobkat is right about punishment not being a deterrent to the next guy in most cases. in a high % of these horrific crimes, people don't think about things ahead of time... yet alone think about the possible punishment if they get caught. they just do shit. ridding the world of them would not hurt my feelings one bit. especially when its cut and dried. and i've seen some really disturbing shit from some real animals in my relatively short and sheltered career. however, i do lose sleep over the number of cases that turn out to have been wrongfully convicted though. you can't believe the number of victims that outright lie. and you can't rectify those situations where someone lied and/or someone was mistakenly convicted. imagine smashing someone's nuts with a 5 pound hammer and then finding out later it wasn't him. or execution too i guess.

i was pondering not telling this story. but, will since i am sitting in front of the TV in the living room while my wife watches trash on TV... short and least disturbing version....

i attended a two day conference put on by the red river children's advocacy center a couple of years ago. they put on some good stuff. this particular 2 day conference consisted of day one which involved a morning of a forensic doctor talking about examining kids who had been horribly physically abused and survived and how they were able to determine the cause of the injury especially in kids who were too young to communicate. the afternoon of that day was a forensic doctor who performed autopsies on suspicious deaths with bullshit stories from the "care" givers and how they would determine that they were full of shit. both involved very disturbing pictures and many many examples of evil animals walking this earth.

the 2nd day was an entire day dedicated to sexual predators. same speaker all day long. she was involved in some sort of research and/or evaluation, assessment of predators in multiple jurisdictions over her career. a lot of it involved showing video tapes and playing audio tapes of predators in sessions describing how and why they did what they did and got away with it. they get these guys to open up because they are polygraphed and told you will never be free from civil commitment until we know you are telling the truth by this polygraph. you can't believe the lengths these people would go to to do the shit they would do and the circumstances they would perp on young kids in. a whole day of mind blowing shit. but, one story sticks out for me....

they had this guy who they knew wasn't being truthful when being asked about the number of victims he had. after like a year or more of prodding and telling him "you are lieing", he finally comes clean and admits he has other victims. months and months more of prodding to get specifics and he finally comes clean that two of his victims are his nieces. kicker... his brother (the girls father) is sitting in a federal prison doing time for the crime. he describes how he was down on his luck and was staying there while he "got his shit together". each evening he would put on his brother's suit coat (that smelled like his brother), go into the bedroom at night and say "daddy is here to tuck you in" and then molest them. the team then calls the prosecution and law enforcement who got the conviction and said this guy just confessed to this. could be dad did it too. but, can you check into it a bit more? upon re-interviewing the girls (who were pretty young at the time), they describe that they never saw his face but always assumed it was dad cause he said he was dad, sounded like dad and even smelled like dad. of course they dismissed the charges and freed the poor dad in prison. but, not before he had spent like 5 years in a federal prison for molesting his daughters in a crime he never committed. had you smashed his nutz off or executed him, you could never undo that. imagine spending years in jail for a crime like that that you never committed... yet alone being executed or castrated for it.


( deleted account )

Apr 10, 2018
Really Bob, so if I read your posts right you want to evaluate all of society and try to figure out if someone is or might have a tendency to be a child molester, killer, rapist, thief, crazy fuck, etc., etc., etc., WOW is all I have to say to that. We spend enough of our tax dollars on this stuff the way it is. We as a society have become numb to the sick shit people do now days. Fuck that, what the problem is Bob, is that when these POS's do this kind of stuff and are found guilty of the crime they commit, the punishment isn't severe enough. We throw them in jail for 30 days to 10 years and put them back out on the street to do the same shit over and over. I believe in an eye for an eye. Do unto others what they do unto you. We need to start eliminating some of this scum from the world. I could go on and on but you all get the just of what I'm saying. As for the ass hats that are mentioned above that did this to the young kids is, first thing I would do is sterilization. Guys would have there nuts laid on something hard and hit with a 5lb hammer. Women would have their reproductive parts pulled out with a coat hanger without any pain medication. Let them feel what its like to be in pain. Then they would be shot in the head. In the town square and on TV for all to see. Then maybe Bob, just maybe, people would think twice about the stuff they do to other people.

nope! Either I wasn’t clear in my ramblings or you misunterstood! I’m ALL for locking these POS people away, just saying it’s not a deterrent for the next guy and reporting potential abusers leave the authorities with their hands tied too often! Prevention is never a vote getter, whether child abuse, mass shootings or most other issues. We wait for bad stuff to happen then react with well meaning knee jerk feel good laws that appease voters but that are totally ineffective and never well thought out by people in the front lines seeing this shit every week! I have no suggestions how to change human nature......just making a simple observation. I cringe when bad things happen, the listen to the “We have to do SOMETHING!” Then I shake my head and , smile, and think “here we go again” The excitement and outrage dies down till history repeats itself again and again and again......maybe you’d remember and at least email reps if you first hand saw a 2 year old’s head bashed through a wall! BTW, the Wall always wins, though you might have to wash the brains off it!
Hope Im wrong and you are right about deterrence , but like so many murders, this sort of crap is emotional spur of the moment crimes, usually turbocharged with Alcohol or OTHER drugs. (Note the word “other!” LOL.) . I’m for locking them away indefinitely to protect the public, but preventing this stuff should be seriously looked at, though talk of prevention NEVER buys votes.

( deleted account )

Apr 10, 2018
i think i can get behind a simple bullet to the head. don't need any mid evil shit. just kill em. i think bobkat is right about punishment not being a deterrent to the next guy in most cases. in a high % of these horrific crimes, people don't think about things ahead of time... yet alone think about the possible punishment if they get caught. they just do shit. ridding the world of them would not hurt my feelings one bit. especially when its cut and dried. and i've seen some really disturbing shit from some real animals in my relatively short and sheltered career. however, i do lose sleep over the number of cases that turn out to have been wrongfully convicted though. you can't believe the number of victims that outright lie. and you can't rectify those situations where someone lied and/or someone was mistakenly convicted. imagine smashing someone's nuts with a 5 pound hammer and then finding out later it wasn't him. or execution too i guess.

i was pondering not telling this story. but, will since i am sitting in front of the TV in the living room while my wife watches trash on TV... short and least disturbing version....

i attended a two day conference put on by the red river children's advocacy center a couple of years ago. they put on some good stuff. this particular 2 day conference consisted of day one which involved a morning of a forensic doctor talking about examining kids who had been horribly physically abused and survived and how they were able to determine the cause of the injury especially in kids who were too young to communicate. the afternoon of that day was a forensic doctor who performed autopsies on suspicious deaths with bullshit stories from the "care" givers and how they would determine that they were full of shit. both involved very disturbing pictures and many many examples of evil animals walking this earth.

the 2nd day was an entire day dedicated to sexual predators. same speaker all day long. she was involved in some sort of research and/or evaluation, assessment of predators in multiple jurisdictions over her career. a lot of it involved showing video tapes and playing audio tapes of predators in sessions describing how and why they did what they did and got away with it. they get these guys to open up because they are polygraphed and told you will never be free from civil commitment until we know you are telling the truth by this polygraph. you can't believe the lengths these people would go to to do the shit they would do and the circumstances they would perp on young kids in. a whole day of mind blowing shit. but, one story sticks out for me....

they had this guy who they knew wasn't being truthful when being asked about the number of victims he had. after like a year or more of prodding and telling him "you are lieing", he finally comes clean and admits he has other victims. months and months more of prodding to get specifics and he finally comes clean that two of his victims are his nieces. kicker... his brother (the girls father) is sitting in a federal prison doing time for the crime. he describes how he was down on his luck and was staying there while he "got his shit together". each evening he would put on his brother's suit coat (that smelled like his brother), go into the bedroom at night and say "daddy is here to tuck you in" and then molest them. the team then calls the prosecution and law enforcement who got the conviction and said this guy just confessed to this. could be dad did it too. but, can you check into it a bit more? upon re-interviewing the girls (who were pretty young at the time), they describe that they never saw his face but always assumed it was dad cause he said he was dad, sounded like dad and even smelled like dad. of course they dismissed the charges and freed the poor dad in prison. but, not before he had spent like 5 years in a federal prison for molesting his daughters in a crime he never committed. had you smashed his nutz off or executed him, you could never undo that. imagine spending years in jail for a crime like that that you never committed... yet alone being executed or castrated for it.

excellent post Esringers. Maybe Imwas too caustic when I asked why people seemed suddenly so surprised and incensed about this pretty common thing? Lots of us have seen firsthand what you are reporting. It’s a tough thing to tackle. Maybe in the future, at least for the sexual abusers, we can use some future DNA Crispre technology to tune their malwired brains to be normal. Till then, the only solution is to lock them away to protect the public. Deterrence doesn’t work, castration (medical or surgical) doesn’t work despite the hype.
The nasty low life child beater type is a different animal. Lots of these guys AND girls around! Like mass shooters, it would be nice to predict who has a high probabiliaqty of beating kids and start preventative measures early. Report them though,and you’ll find that “people have too many rights” and laws like tHis are legally open to too many abuses.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 23, 2015
I think most of what's posted on electronic forums is misinterpreted.

There is no solution. A certain percentage of people will do these things regardless of the consequences.

All the average person can do is not be one of them.

And if you need a book to tell you right from wrong, then that's a whole nother problem.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 13, 2015
nope! Either I wasn’t clear in my ramblings or you misunterstood! I’m ALL for locking these POS people away, just saying it’s not a deterrent for the next guy and reporting potential abusers leave the authorities with their hands tied too often! Prevention is never a vote getter, whether child abuse, mass shootings or most other issues. We wait for bad stuff to happen then react with well meaning knee jerk feel good laws that appease voters but that are totally ineffective and never well thought out by people in the front lines seeing this shit every week! I have no suggestions how to change human nature......just making a simple observation. I cringe when bad things happen, the listen to the “We have to do SOMETHING!” Then I shake my head and , smile, and think “here we go again” The excitement and outrage dies down till history repeats itself again and again and again......maybe you’d remember and at least email reps if you first hand saw a 2 year old’s head bashed through a wall! BTW, the Wall always wins, though you might have to wash the brains off it!
Hope Im wrong and you are right about deterrence , but like so many murders, this sort of crap is emotional spur of the moment crimes, usually turbocharged with Alcohol or OTHER drugs. (Note the word “other!” LOL.) . I’m for locking them away indefinitely to protect the public, but preventing this stuff should be seriously looked at, though talk of prevention NEVER buys votes.

I guess I am confused as to how your support of abortion figures into this.

Davey Crockett

Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 22, 2015
Producers raising babies for the same reason ranchers raise livestock is a huge part of this problem. It's corporate farming on a mini scale.

This would fix a lot of problems if there was some leverage to make it look like a better option. AKA overhaul our welfare system.



Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 24, 2015
This would fix a lot of problems if there was some leverage to make it look like a better option. AKA overhaul our welfare system.

Or, when you pop out a 2nd bastard child, all welfare benefits go away. Children go to families who can provide for them and single now non-parents are introduced to hunger as a motivator.

Davey Crockett

Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 22, 2015
Yup, That's exactly the only way that will fix the misused and broken system that will work.

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[FONT=&quot]There are no national statistics on how many people are waiting to adopt, but experts estimate it is somewhere between one and two million couples.[/FONT]


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 28, 2015
You know I used to watch the news channels religiously and had a real crappy outlook on everything the future in particular. Then about eight months ago I got rid of cable and suddenly the world doesn’t seem like such a bad place anymore. Granted I’m not saying to bury your head in the sand but world news is %99 percent negative. You kind of make a reality for yourself when you become engulfed in such negativity. Getting rid of cable really changed my outlook.

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You know I used to watch the news channels religiously and had a real crappy outlook on everything the future in particular. Then about eight months ago I got rid of cable and suddenly the world doesn’t seem like such a bad place anymore. Granted I’m not saying to bury your head in the sand but world news is %99 percent negative. You kind of make a reality for yourself when you become engulfed in such negativity. Getting rid of cable really changed my outlook.


New member
Aug 17, 2018
Like da Catholic Priests ?? 0.05.jpg


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 14, 2015
You know I used to watch the news channels religiously and had a real crappy outlook on everything the future in particular. Then about eight months ago I got rid of cable and suddenly the world doesn’t seem like such a bad place anymore. Granted I’m not saying to bury your head in the sand but world news is %99 percent negative. You kind of make a reality for yourself when you become engulfed in such negativity. Getting rid of cable really changed my outlook.

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You know I used to watch the news channels religiously and had a real crappy outlook on everything the future in particular. Then about eight months ago I got rid of cable and suddenly the world doesn’t seem like such a bad place anymore. Granted I’m not saying to bury your head in the sand but world news is %99 percent negative. You kind of make a reality for yourself when you become engulfed in such negativity. Getting rid of cable really changed my outlook.

Completely agree with the first paragraph of your post but the second paragraph is complete bullshit.

( deleted account )

Apr 10, 2018
Or, when you pop out a 2nd bastard child, all welfare benefits go away. Children go to families who can provide for them and single now non-parents are introduced to hunger as a motivator.
Good idea, but are you going to be on the top of the list to adopt one or two? Not me, I’m too old and have already adopted two, something I can Highly recommend for you youngsters.

Davey Crockett

Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 22, 2015
My 2 cents worth for long time hardcore criminals who show no signs of rehabilitation I'd say give them an option of choosing door number 1 or door number 2 . Door # 1 being whatever consequences the judge gave them and somehow make prisons more self sustaining with free labor or door # 2 being a one way ticket few scattered special facilities with an incinerators and all the accommodations needed for 24 luxurious hours of video monitored solitary confinement. AKA the last day. One room cell with good food, A Bible, Computer with search options only and a smorgasbord of booze and illegal drugs.

At the end of 24 hours the room transforms into a gas chamber and body is incinerated and ashes handed over to anyone that wants them for proper burial. It makes me feel inhuman to even think along these lines but the problem is here to stay and with population growth and more of them something has to be done I'd bet there are quite a few incarcerated prisoners that would take door # 2 right now if it was an available option.

Give those lost souls the option of choosing their own destiny and take some of the burden off the system.

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Don't give me shit about my punctuation, Typing into a small screen and realizing mistakes only after they happen sucks.

( deleted account )

Apr 10, 2018
Simple enough. There are a lot of struggling women out there who are actually TRYING to climb out of that cycle, and not all of,them are covered with welfare. I prescribed various birth control thousands of times over the years, but till I was almost retired I was never interested in costs, etc. That stuff is EXPENSIVE! And I always ignored it when struggling deserving women would say they simply couldn’t afford it. We’d send these to places like family planning clinics where they could get it, and also unaffordable things like mammograms, Pap smears, and GOOD ACCURATE ADVICE AND REASSURANCE about not only birth control but family planning stuff, student loans advice sometimes, marital advice, etc.
My biggest pet peeve about the antiabortionits as that they are almost invariably anti birth control (and usually antiscrewing, at least in secret, putting moral judgements for us all) as well as being antiabortion. You can’t be antiabortion AND anti birth control both! I’ve said numerous times that I’m firmly antiabortion as long as these organizations are also PRO BIRTH CONTROL, which most aren’t and never will be. So politicians make votes with stuff like Defunding Planned Parenthood, which do some abortions but do many, many good things. Planned parenthood people in my experience are anti abortion too, but they want to reduce the need by promoting birth control and by fighting all the minimformation from some churches and the religious right! Yet, birth control has clearly been shown to be the ONLY factor that actually works to reduce unplanned pregnancies, and thus reduce the alleged need for abortion. Works everywhere else in the world, especially third world countries, yet we don’t learn from them!!!
The few abortion doctors I personally know,and have known do abortions get pretty hot under the collar with all the unplanned pregnancies they see because of cost, lack of access, and most of all, total deliberate misinformation (AKA LIES) from supposedly well meaning institutions and organizations! Most do them by default. Yes, some make money from them, too! No precession is immune to capitalistic greed!
Also, like it or not, even in a perfect world there will ALWAYS be the occasional non medical reason for an abortion to be done. I’ve referred a fe of these over the years. Always a judgement call, but should be up to the individual and her doc with proper counseling, etc. So it should always be available legally, but rarely needed, so women like these will not have to find a back alley abortion with all its terrible consequences. I’m old enough to have seen many of these before Roe vs Wade! Don’t get me started on his topic though.
Should women be bosses of their bodies, even of their menfolk insist they be fertile because of some religious or self centered belied? YES, I think so, but you can argue and I’ll respectfully accept this point of view.
So for the 100 th time, I’m 99% anti abortion in the PROPER WAY TO DO IT by disseminating birth control, but very pro abortion concerning the stupid onerous legislation by well meaning but unknowing people who promote it! Like gun control proponents, give these Zealots an inch and they’ll take a mile! LOL

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wasnt trying to be nasty at all, SDMF, but all my professional life I’ve been trying to talk unplanned pregnancies into adoption, but thinking back in the last 20 years I can only remember ONE success! That one turned
Adoption used to be easy, but now families circle the wagons around younger girls getting pregnant, and it never happens. Tragically, I remember a lot of these young bright kids dropping their plans about higher education, and staying home to work in the local areas, never to achieve what they might have! Worse still, so many move in with some dirt ball, sometimes a nice enough guy even, get pregnant and are more or less lost forever. Especially when the sperm don’t takes off with the child support people after them, usually unsuccessfully. Some produce guys like the ones in the pictures.
We should all watch what we say about the guys in the pictures or some intellectual prostitute (attorney) might sue ou collective asses and ultimately own the website. Remember innocent till proved guilty!?! ! Hopefully I’m joking.......Maybe LOL....but not too loud!


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 15, 2015

[h=1]Three Pennsylvania men facing over 1,400 charges after allegedly having sex with dogs, horses, cow, goat[/h]By Ross Torgerson Today at 9:24 a.m.

From left to right: Terry Wallace, Matthew Brubaker, Marc Measnikoff / Credit: Clearfield County District Attorney’s Office

MUNSON, Pa.—A teenager living on a "makeshift farm" in a rural central Pennsylvania town tipped police off to the three men he lived with and the crude acts they had allegedly committed.

After police obtained a search warrant for the property, the three men were taken into custody.

Terry Wallace, 41, Marc Measnikoff, 34, and Matthew Brubaker, 32, are facing 1,460 combined charges for allegedly having sex with with multiple animals on their farmstead. The three men are also facing charges of cruelty to animals, endangering the welfare of children and corruption of minors.
The animals the three men allegedly had sex with included dogs, horses, a cow, and a goat, according to a KDKA-TV report. The teenager who tipped off police to the three men told police that they used a specially designed V-shaped pen to facilitate the sexual contact.

While searching the farmstead, police also found a large amount of homemade videos, recording equipment and cameras.
State Police and the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals are in the process of securing appropriate placement for the animals. The investigation is ongoing.
The teenager was taken into protective custody following the three men's arrests.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 21, 2015
Faaargo, ND
meh, this stuff will eventually be considered normal

in fact, if you don’t bake a cake for their “wedding” you’ll go to jail


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 23, 2015
I don't think it's any worse now.

May have been worse hundreds of years ago, there was just a lot less people and
we didn't have to hear about it 24/7.

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