Simple enough. There are a lot of struggling women out there who are actually TRYING to climb out of that cycle, and not all of,them are covered with welfare. I prescribed various birth control thousands of times over the years, but till I was almost retired I was never interested in costs, etc. That stuff is EXPENSIVE! And I always ignored it when struggling deserving women would say they simply couldn’t afford it. We’d send these to places like family planning clinics where they could get it, and also unaffordable things like mammograms, Pap smears, and GOOD ACCURATE ADVICE AND REASSURANCE about not only birth control but family planning stuff, student loans advice sometimes, marital advice, etc.
My biggest pet peeve about the antiabortionits as that they are almost invariably anti birth control (and usually antiscrewing, at least in secret, putting moral judgements for us all) as well as being antiabortion. You can’t be antiabortion AND anti birth control both! I’ve said numerous times that I’m firmly antiabortion as long as these organizations are also PRO BIRTH CONTROL, which most aren’t and never will be. So politicians make votes with stuff like Defunding Planned Parenthood, which do some abortions but do many, many good things. Planned parenthood people in my experience are anti abortion too, but they want to reduce the need by promoting birth control and by fighting all the minimformation from some churches and the religious right! Yet, birth control has clearly been shown to be the ONLY factor that actually works to reduce unplanned pregnancies, and thus reduce the alleged need for abortion. Works everywhere else in the world, especially third world countries, yet we don’t learn from them!!!
The few abortion doctors I personally know,and have known do abortions get pretty hot under the collar with all the unplanned pregnancies they see because of cost, lack of access, and most of all, total deliberate misinformation (AKA LIES) from supposedly well meaning institutions and organizations! Most do them by default. Yes, some make money from them, too! No precession is immune to capitalistic greed!
Also, like it or not, even in a perfect world there will ALWAYS be the occasional non medical reason for an abortion to be done. I’ve referred a fe of these over the years. Always a judgement call, but should be up to the individual and her doc with proper counseling, etc. So it should always be available legally, but rarely needed, so women like these will not have to find a back alley abortion with all its terrible consequences. I’m old enough to have seen many of these before Roe vs Wade! Don’t get me started on his topic though.
Should women be bosses of their bodies, even of their menfolk insist they be fertile because of some religious or self centered belied? YES, I think so, but you can argue and I’ll respectfully accept this point of view.
So for the 100 th time, I’m 99% anti abortion in the PROPER WAY TO DO IT by disseminating birth control, but very pro abortion concerning the stupid onerous legislation by well meaning but unknowing people who promote it! Like gun control proponents, give these Zealots an inch and they’ll take a mile! LOL
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wasnt trying to be nasty at all, SDMF, but all my professional life I’ve been trying to talk unplanned pregnancies into adoption, but thinking back in the last 20 years I can only remember ONE success! That one turned
Adoption used to be easy, but now families circle the wagons around younger girls getting pregnant, and it never happens. Tragically, I remember a lot of these young bright kids dropping their plans about higher education, and staying home to work in the local areas, never to achieve what they might have! Worse still, so many move in with some dirt ball, sometimes a nice enough guy even, get pregnant and are more or less lost forever. Especially when the sperm don’t takes off with the child support people after them, usually unsuccessfully. Some produce guys like the ones in the pictures.
We should all watch what we say about the guys in the pictures or some intellectual prostitute (attorney) might sue ou collective asses and ultimately own the website. Remember innocent till proved guilty!?! ! Hopefully I’m joking.......Maybe LOL....but not too loud!