So Many POS out there now a days

( deleted account )

Apr 10, 2018
No surprise for me here. I’ve been seeing this kind of dirt ball all my professional life, and sadly, been forced into helping them reproduce and create more generations of the same kind of people! So you don’t need to wonder why I can be really conservative on most things, yet
liberal as hell on birth control, family planning, and all that!
And don’t kid yourselves that it’s those drafted Liberaal who seem to do,their damndest to help this kind of BS along! Nop, not at all. Someone mentioned he ALCU,,which I normally have littl,use of, but,atmleastmtheynare trying o mal access to birth control foor low income women who are struggling to better hems lives, yet not covered by Welfare! And you can absolutely bet your life savings against mine who you might think they vote vote, too! And it sure as hell won’t be for anyone whose name starts with an H either! That’s assuming they might get off their asses and vote........
sorry for,the rant, but I’ve been banging heads over birth control,with the religious right and certain churches all my life over birth control. Until logical rational peool3 like,the people on this website f8nall6 see the light and demand changes, absolutely nothing will change! The future of,these POS’s is yours, guys.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 24, 2015
No surprise for me here. I’ve been seeing this kind of dirt ball all my professional life, and sadly, been forced into helping them reproduce and create more generations of the same kind of people! So you don’t need to wonder why I can be really conservative on most things, yet
liberal as hell on birth control, family planning, and all that!
And don’t kid yourselves that it’s those drafted Liberaal who seem to do,their damndest to help this kind of BS along! Nop, not at all. Someone mentioned he ALCU,,which I normally have littl,use of, but,atmleastmtheynare trying o mal access to birth control foor low income women who are struggling to better hems lives, yet not covered by Welfare! And you can absolutely bet your life savings against mine who you might think they vote vote, too! And it sure as hell won’t be for anyone whose name starts with an H either! That’s assuming they might get off their asses and vote........
sorry for,the rant, but I’ve been banging heads over birth control,with the religious right and certain churches all my life over birth control. Until logical rational peool3 like,the people on this website f8nall6 see the light and demand changes, absolutely nothing will change! The future of,these POS’s is yours, guys.

Your prose resembles that of the Nigerian Prince who recently e-mailed me with a wonderful offer of free $$.


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 15, 2015
Drifting the high plains
If they were Muslims some judge like the one in New Mexico would let them go. They killed their kid in an exorcism that was simply epileptic seizures.

Paddledogger medical mj is one thing, but outright legal is the dream of stoners.

Davey Crockett

Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 22, 2015
Paddledogger medical mj is one thing, but outright legal is the dream of stoners.

PG, Educate yourself. When you factor in all the LEO cost of fighting a lost battle, it's a no brainer. nothing will change with the laws they are now. All prohibition is doing is creating more jobs that will never be able to fix the problem. You can take that to the bank. ;) No bad feelings , Just looking at the other side of the coin.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 24, 2015
Lincoln, kinda...
I have vivid vigilante/stand my ground dreams on occasion. Like a horror movie... I have to use whatever is at my disposal to eliminate the threat. It’s been interesting how I reacted initially - vs. lately.

Odd, and here I thought I was the only one who suffered such imaginations.

I have told people this time, and time again. But I have absolutely zero compassion for such people. I really believe I can throw the switch and go eat a good lunch as the bad guy fries. Then I can come back from lunch and turn the switch off as they smolder with absolutely zero emotion. I simply don't view it as my problem when others have forfeited their right to breathe the same air as you and I.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 24, 2015
Odd, and here I thought I was the only one who suffered such imaginations.

I have told people this time, and time again. But I have absolutely zero compassion for such people. I really believe I can throw the switch and go eat a good lunch as the bad guy fries. Then I can come back from lunch and turn the switch off as they smolder with absolutely zero emotion. I simply don't view it as my problem when others have forfeited their right to breathe the same air as you and I.

Anesthetize, paralyze, intubate, titrate ventilator to a blood oxygen level in the mid-60's and a heart rate above 125 BPM so you know the body is working hard and oxygen demand is high. Then turn off the anesthetic, but continue paralyzing muscle blocker and the ventilator.

In the above scenario the patient is conscious but unable to communicate in any manner. No eye blinking, no gag reflex, can't breathe on their own. This happens every once and a while to patients on a ventilator in the ICU who wake up more quickly than expected. It's supposed to be horrifying. Seems like a way that might begin to allow the offenders to experience an inkling of the helplessness and horror their children were put through.


Honored Member
Dec 27, 2017
I've always thought John Clark's use of the "decompression chamber" in Tom Clancy's book Without Remorse ​was a fitting end for dirt bags who harm children.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Nov 13, 2015
Minto, ND
What a fine looking father..NOT..pile of shit sorry I said that.
Read here.....

I said the exact same thing when I came across this article. Absolutely worthless POS

( deleted account )

Apr 10, 2018
If they were Muslims some judge like the one in New Mexico would let them go. They killed their kid in an exorcism that was simply epileptic seizures.

Paddledogger medical mj is one thing, but outright legal is the dream of stoners.

BULL! Lest leave religion out of this! Legislating that people have to “ believe” and be Christian obviously won’t work and never has. Let’s brainstarm and figure out some way to PREVENT this sort of thing propagating fr9m generation to generation!
Lots of “ get even and make em suffer” posts, which are interesting and attractive even to me, but like the death penalty, simply would be zero deterrent.m might make the rest of us feel better, but only spins the already greased political wheels! Suggestion like these might make us all feel better but does absolutely NOTHING to solve or prevent anything! Trust me on this....and I’m not Nigerian.....where did THAT come from!?!? Weird!

Ive seen many fairly workable suggestions over the years, but by and large would not be acceptable to voters, from EITHER party! And lawyers. . VOTERS are the ones that count on all social problems, and unfortunately once positive things are tossed to voters via their reps, NOTHING gets done, nor will ever get done! Much easier to wring our typing hands and complain over the internet, rather than to suggest to our reps via e mail that perhaps they could be wrong about a few things while being right in others, rather than being a “my political party is ALWAYS right, no matter what they do!
Any candidate who says “I’ll be behind #@#$&$#n my leader 100% “ no matter what party an individual might support, scares the crap out of me! Predictably nothing positive will get done on little things that count and would eventually pay off socially and taxpayerwise!
Signing off from Nigeria, I’ll continue to laugh about the suggestions on this thread!


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 12, 2015
Glenfield ND
BULL! Lest leave religion out of this! Legislating that people have to “ believe” and be Christian obviously won’t work and never has. Let’s brainstarm and figure out some way to PREVENT this sort of thing propagating fr9m generation to generation!
Lots of “ get even and make em suffer” posts, which are interesting and attractive even to me, but like the death penalty, simply would be zero deterrent.m might make the rest of us feel better, but only spins the already greased political wheels! Suggestion like these might make us all feel better but does absolutely NOTHING to solve or prevent anything! Trust me on this....and I’m not Nigerian.....where did THAT come from!?!? Weird!

Ive seen many fairly workable suggestions over the years, but by and large would not be acceptable to voters, from EITHER party! And lawyers. . VOTERS are the ones that count on all social problems, and unfortunately once positive things are tossed to voters via their reps, NOTHING gets done, nor will ever get done! Much easier to wring our typing hands and complain over the internet, rather than to suggest to our reps via e mail that perhaps they could be wrong about a few things while being right in others, rather than being a “my political party is ALWAYS right, no matter what they do!
Any candidate who says “I’ll be behind #@#$&$#n my leader 100% “ no matter what party an individual might support, scares the crap out of me! Predictably nothing positive will get done on little things that count and would eventually pay off socially and taxpayerwise!
Signing off from Nigeria, I’ll continue to laugh about the suggestions on this thread!

For an educated and obviously intelligent individual you sure have trouble seeing the obvious!


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 24, 2015
Lots of “ get even and make em suffer” posts, which are interesting and attractive even to me, but like the death penalty, simply would be zero deterrent.m might make the rest of us feel better,

Imagine how much quieter and more trouble free prisons would be if inmates were paralyzed and intubated.

I'm going to go out on a limb and surmise that for many inmates, it would only take only one fairly short session of non-sedated paralyzed intubation/ventilation @ low SPo2 for them to decide that good behavior is a better way of life.

I think an awful lot of our current laws and punishments are somewhat dependent upon the convicted having "The Fear of God" (whatever entity that might be to them) put into them. Perhaps some laws and punishments need to change to better reflect our current culture's reliance on immediate gratification and convicts should be supplied with a heathy dose of "The Fear of Their Fellow Man".


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 13, 2015
Central, AZ
People thinking that these idiots can be changed and make honest law abiding citizens out of them are crazy. Rapist, child molesters, and child beaters, and women beaters are all the same to me. You won't change these people no matter how hard you try. If you do it will be very very few.
I personally don't have one ounce of passion for any one of them. They are the scum of the earth as far as i am concerned. Maybe one day when i am standing before our maker i will have to answer for this but it is what i believe. I am sick and tired of hearing about these scums and it only changes by getting worse and not better.

( deleted account )

Apr 10, 2018
Odd, and here I thought I was the only one who suffered such imaginations.

I have told people this time, and time again. But I have absolutely zero compassion for such people. I really believe I can throw the switch and go eat a good lunch as the bad guy fries. Then I can come back from lunch and turn the switch off as they smolder with absolutely zero emotion. I simply don't view it as my problem when others have forfeited their right to breathe the same air as you and I.

i probably could too, Allen, though I wouldn’t kid myself that this would be a deterrent for the next guy, or woman. My whole Rant was just a plea for voters to start thinking in a proactive manner, prevention, and not simply punishment, when it works poorly if st all! Not to change the subject, but MJ is a classic example - filling the jails with small time users of an ounce or so does nothing to prevent serious opiate abuse. Yet our leaders are talking stiffer penalties, ad nauseum for things that have been proven to not work, why? To get votes and avoiding losing some from powerful groups of well meaning people who unfortunately do not understand the problems. Ask the front line workers with experience, not some clergy or super Conservative white grey haired guy who has not a clue other than how to be re-elected. One party is as bad as the other! Lots of examples of feel good do nothing laws like this. That accomplish nothing other than you and I writing bigger checks come April 15!
I wish I had a dollar for every time my office reported obvious child abusers, terribly neglected kids, mother pregnancy, sperm donor( called “ father” by conservatives) took off, etc. The authorities have their hands tied and I can’t recall any where anything was done, maybe once or twice in 40 years, though they were all investigated. Pediatricians have tons of stories when you get em going. But little or nothing can be done! But let’s defund family planning clinics and spawn more of em! Yeah, sure - that’ll help!
I’ve seen 2 1/2 generations of dirt ball low life’s myself and don’t care to see more. Guess I’ll have to die or get use to it! Maybe ago work on deer blinds for 5he youth hunt instead.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 21, 2015
Faaargo, ND
good gosh bobkat, let's kill the kids right away?

why wait for the parents to do it later - it's gonna happen anyway?

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