Lunker, This is a test. If Chuck Norris is real have him piss pure rain on a flat rock in the middle of North Dakota before Friday, It's so hot and dry that the ice in my neighbors yeti cooler is started to shrivel.
Lunker, This is a test. If Chuck Norris is real have him piss pure rain on a flat rock in the middle of North Dakota before Friday, It's so hot and dry that the ice in my neighbors yeti cooler is started to shrivel.
Davey you are correct that's what happens when you get old each generation's idols who they look up to become less and less impressive. Which is not thier fault society doesn't like badass SOB that paved the way for the wanna be badass of today. Chucks is a dieing breed of aswomness all we have left is licking the jar when we can't cut the mustard. Sorry Davey I wish I could help. No more chuck norris RIP