There is only 2 ways this crap stops: 1. everyone becomes nice again (unlikely), 2. more people are able to defend themselves to where a shooter is actually concerned that someone else might be packing and take him out. (my preference)
Is it your preference? So when your kid leaves the house you have to remind him don't forget your pistola! kinda like the cell phone pick up your piece and bring that along too. I have a grade school across the street - visions of all the kids carrying pop into my mind. They would have to have the latest in color and have the most rounds per sq inch. Mowing the lawn, grocery store, church, having a few at the local pub, swimming would be tough but I suppose the waterproof ones would come in handy, at work I suppose one would clean it over the noon hour, weddings, baptisms, funerals, you name it just a cell phone everyone would need to carry a piece.
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ps sluggo - I am not picking on you. I have the same thought --- I was like to bad that cop couldn't connect a bullet with that ahole. To bad he didn't pick a club with gun carrying gangs. Bottom line though is that if we move in the gun carrying direction then we all have to carry weapons - that includes kids wifes etc maybe even a dog.