Dont have a dog in the fight for DL, have never fished it and probably at my age never will.
I do fish Sak. tho, and it wasn't stocked last year because of the "high" survival rate of the stocking the previous year, hope thats the right move, its a huge lake and how they determined that is beyond me.
Guides, tournaments, etc..... bring out the worst in people in my opinion, I know that tourneys last year on Sak there were lots of smaller fish pulled out of deep water, boated, and released, game and fish confirmed this was happening, the fish were deep and we all knew that, and of course the kill rate on those released fish was extremely high. I am not a fan of guides, either hunting or fishing, and fishing tourneys are an absolute disaster, just my opinion so let me have it, I could care less, and I think more people tend to agree with me, maybe just not on this site,
You make fishing or hunting about money, whether its guides or tourneys, and it becomes a shit show in a hurry.