They came out with Stella. I would say thats wrecking beer.
There are numerous closet Stella fans on NDA. But their secret is safe with me.
They came out with Stella. I would say thats wrecking beer.
I'm sure putting Oprah on the 20 was in the cards too, cause she is black, a woman, and neat
owned a fossil fuel powered vehicle a horrible person, destroying the planet we are... I think ONLY presidents should be on our money and ones who were 'significant'. At that time, Tubman was much more of a crook than Jackson was, in fact Im pretty sure he LOVED his slaves very much....
Well stated, 300 years from now they might consider anyone who
They may as well just put a coule queers smooching on the dolla bill and get it over with. I'm sure they'll be belly aching that they ain't no queers being represented.
Owning slaves is bad m'kay,
I don't care who is on the damn bill, but it will be pretty awkward sliding a 20 into a g-string with that sour mug staring back in stern dissaproval.
I sure miss the Tree City dancers. Now them were some fine dancing women.
How many beers does it take to get a person even close to saying that?I sure miss the Tree City dancers. Now them were some fine dancing women.
It must also piss you off that Hamilton gets to stay on the 10, and Franklin is on the 100. Just sayin...
Technically Jackson is going to be on the back side of the 20$ bill and Tubman is on the front. Relax people this new bill won't be out into circulation till 2030. I believe by then paper bills will be phased out and electronic funds will be more main stream.
WHATTT !!!!! People are abusing the goodwill of the welfare system ? Say it isn't so ! The libatards are only trying to help the needy don't ya know ! Ie garnering future voters !!!I highly doubt this will ever happen. I've said it before, you can't buy drugs, prostitutes, and other dubious items with electronic funds and remain ANONYMOUS. Politicians and other self glorifying public types will be far less inclined to do away with cash as every purchase with electronic means is traceable. There will ALWAYS be a means to purchase nefarious items or services with an untraceable means of exchange. ie.....CASH!!