End Times! (Almost Frozen In) - Building An Off Grid Fishing Cabin - Chapter 18

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Jan 31, 2023 at 5:07 PM
Posted by Vollmer
One last trip before freeze up! What a long ways this project has come. It's sad to let the cabin sit, but excited to come back this winter to finish off this place. Thanks for watching!


Valencia Theater Seating: https://valenciatheaterseating.com
Josh Mcfaddin: https://www.instagram.com/joshmcfads
AYA Kitchen Cabinets: https://www.instagram.com/ayawinnipeg
Rempel Timber (Brad): https://www.instagram.com/rempeltimber
Precision General Contracting (Karl): https://www.instagram.com/precisiongeneralcontract
Mike Klatt (Reel Life With Mike Youtube): https://www.youtube.com/c/reellifewithmike
Mike Dotoli (Two Rivers Boat Works): https://www.facebook.com/2riversboatworks/
Old Town Discovery Sport 15 Canoe: https://bit.ly/3Ch7FTI
Lakeview Comforts (Woodstove Installation/Dealer): https://www.facebook.com/seeyouroptions/
Regency 2450 Wood Stove: https://bit.ly/3vkOhRK
Krevco (Embers, Fireplaces & More): https://www.krevco.com/collections/fireplaces
Seine River Electric: Drew - (204) 392-4176
Evolve Green: https://evolvegreen.ca
Solar Pod: https://mysolarpod.com
Foametix Website: https://www.foametix.ca
Bodhi: https://www.instagram.com/speiss_brothers_fishing/
Noah: https://instagram.com/noah.messner
Scott Green (Green Adventures/Lake of the Woods Marina + Service Centre): https://bit.ly/3dlyY0O
Spencer Caruso: https://bit.ly/3KoqiYf
Joel's Behind The Scenes Design Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Or-2...
Lithium Batteries: Dakota Lithium - https://bit.ly/32i5lgq
Solar Pod (solar panels/inverter): https://bit.ly/3SWBmzB
WaterEStore: https://waterestore.ca
Gary The Water Guy: https://www.youtube.com/c/GarytheWaterGuy

Catch And Cook (Knives are back in stock!): https://bit.ly/3yUNTN0
Alumacraft Competitor 205: https://bit.ly/3yQTSSQ
Mercury Pro XS 200hp: https://bit.ly/38FDrhF
Trolling Motor Battery (Dakota Lithium 12V 100AH x 3): https://bit.ly/3yNv4rK
Wavewhackers: https://bit.ly/3LFEN9s
Costa Reefton Pro Sunglasses (580 Glass Green Mirror): https://bit.ly/38IVVO8
Lifejacket (Onyx A/M 24): https://bit.ly/3xBfEHR

My Socials:

INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/jay_siemens
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/jaysiemensme...
WEBSITE: http://www.jaysiemens.com

EDITOR BRANDON: https://bit.ly/38BzaHU

Want to send me something?

Jay Siemens
PO Box 637
Kenora, Ontario

Here is the camera gear used to make the video:

Sony A7S III (Main Camera) - https://amzn.to/3i0BTyY
DJI Action Cam (Livescope Camera) - https://amzn.to/2LtU2Vn
The BEST Micro SD for GoPros - https://amzn.to/2D3ohQ1
Vlog Lens - Sony 12-24mm f4 - https://amzn.to/3hRyeTO
B-Roll Lens - Sigma 24mm f1.4 - https://amzn.to/2BD1Tvp
Drone - Mavic Pro 2 - https://amzn.to/39enhaX
Tascam DR10-L - https://amzn.to/2R8SUM7
Rode Shotgun Mic Pro - https://amzn.to/2R3BOzx

Editing Program:
Adobe Premiere: https://amzn.to/2CxIbTy

FISCPMNLN5DDZN1N #alumacraft #unclemarksoutpost
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