Walleye Fishing - Lake Sakakawea - North Dakota - New Town area

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Sep 30, 2022 at 11:27 PM
Posted by Vollmer
Check out North Dakota's premiere fishing community website at http://NodakAngler.com

Fishing the Newtown area, between the marina and White Earth on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday with two buddies, and Sunday with the wife and kids. Minnows was the ticket for us both days, but I saw guys catching on cranks and pitching jig/plastic. On Saturday it seemed to be best for us in that 9'10 fow range, and going slower. Roughly .4-.5 mph. On Sunday we found them in the same depth at first, but later in the day we had to scoot of to 4.5-7.5 fow. On Sunday the wind was blowing into the shoreline and created a mud line, so we rode the edge of that.

Saturday was one of those really fun days. We only caught one under 20", and threw back a 26".

Sunday was more of a mix bag. 16"-23" fish.

Water temp was about 55 degrees.

On Saturday night, I also poked around the Parshall Bay area. Checking outhouse, and shell, but did not mark much for fish, and did not catch any. We were not out long, so it is not like I figured anything out. Mostly just poking around to see what was going on a bit.
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