Yesterday afternoon, I couldn't decide if I wanted to scout for geese, hunt doves, catch walleyes, or sit in a tree stand for deer. I started to run down what I couldn't get later in the year and settled on doves or deer as I have always wanted a buck in velvet, the doves would be headin' south in a month, and I could get walleyes or geese well into December. So between those two, I decided that I would really like a shot at a velvet buck and the deer I had on trail cam were 50/50 split hard horn and velvet. The south wind REALLY SUCKED as most of my stands are for NW winds, which are the prevailing winds for me. GRRRRR!! I chose a stand that hadn't really shown any promise, but didn't bugger the deer to bad with a S wind, and a guy just never knows what those goofy deer are going to do. So I dressed in my best desert camo, grabbed my bow, and off I went. Got into the stand about 4:30 after a half mile hike, realized I'd forgot the pad for the seat (waffle butt city), and settled in to enjoy what I thought was going to be an uneventful night in the stand. Had a humming bird fly in, which I thought was unusual as there are no flowers around and check out the nocks on my arrows (green), and I was enjoying his company when in about 3 miliseconds he was about an inch from my eyeballs checking them out. HOLY NEEDLE IN THE FACE!!!! I reacted to his rocket attack to my eyeballs by jerking my head back and promptly smacking the back of my head against the tree. When the stars cleared, and I could see again, the little bastard was laughing his tiny head off about 7 feet away sitting on a branch. I could tell he was laughing by the steady stream of twittering and chatter he was making. Humming birds have now dropped a notch or two on my fav's list. Anyway, after my headache went away and I resumed my scan of the area, I was stunned when I turned my head to look behind me and there stood a young 7 pointer still in velvet. It still amazes me that a deer can walk to within spittin' distance of me without me knowing it. I was thrilled to see a velvet buck, but this guy was no where near big enough for me to take. This is the first year I've had three buck tags and I wanted a good velvet buck to be the first installment on a triple pedestal mount if I can get a good rifle and muzzy buck. That little guy hung around for 20 minutes, browsing, eating beans, and swatting mosquitoes. I thought about drawing on him for the practice, but decided against it as if he buggered away, I wouldn't have an early warning system if another deer came in. Well the plan worked!!! All of a sudden his head shot up and looked DIRECTLY downwind of me. I clipped the release on the loop, just in case, and waited. A minute or so later, out walks this pot bellied, wide racked deer walking stiff legged, ears back, and I knew in an instant that this was a real good deer and I immediately drew the bow. While waiting for him to clear the ONE tree in my shooting lane (Isn't that how it always goes), I noticed he was a 4X4. I LOVE 4X4's and he was in FULL VELVET!!!! Had to calm down a bit after that realization which took about a half second, but I couldn't let it take much more as he was just clearing the tree and was slowing down for the fence. He had just stopped at the fence to eye the 7 pointer when I settled my 20 yard pin behind his shoulder and pressed the release. At the sound of the bow, I heard what sounded like my arrow going through wood slats, and the buck raced off. Now the shakes started. I don't use luminocks so I wasn't real sure where the arrow went, but was confident it had found it's mark. The time.....8:13 pm. I began my 30 minute wait while trying NOT to fall out of the stand, test my harness, and rack my testicles in the process. The knot on my skull from the tree was a great plenty Thank You. Now comes the weird parts. The 7 pointer came right back in trying to figure out what the hell just happened. He looked and looked, light footed around, looked some more, stomped, looked, sniffed, and then sniffed some more. He walked right to where the other buck was standing and was sniffing around for about 20 seconds before I realized he was sniffing my arrow. He smelled it, licked it, stomped at it, walked around it, and then repeated the whole process again until it was time for me to get down. Now what do I do?? I don't want to bugger this guy up by just getting down, so I started breaking sticks. That only brought him closer. Plan B. Wave at him a bit. Nope, not working. So I just started lowering my bow and getting ready to leave. Still there!!! Started to climb down. This has to get him out of there.............NOPE!! He watched me climb down, unhook my bow, gather my things, and walk away. Goofy Deer!!! Made it to the truck without stabbing myself or some other such nonsense and went to get a stronger flashlight and some backup. My daughter wanted to help track so she became head tracker and away we went. Made it to where my arrow was as I was a little nervous as the blood trail was only a few drops or smears here and there. There should have been more I thought, however, this was sufficient. Went about 50 yards of a drop here and a drop there, when I scanned the vegetation and saw a fuzzy rack. WHAT A RUSH!! To have my daughter help recover my first velvet buck on a beautiful night was more than a little cool. It's a memory I'll cherish for many years. Well the reason the blood trail was so sparse was that I had put the 3 blade G5 right through the top of his heart. No pumping means no blood pressure, which equals no blood trail. A great shot on a good deer with my little girl there to share the fun. A fun day for sure!! Now a few pics......
I have to give my daughter a HUGE THANK YOU as she took these pics while getting eaten alive by mosquitoes. They were ATROCIOUS!!!! Thanks baby doll!!!!

I have to give my daughter a HUGE THANK YOU as she took these pics while getting eaten alive by mosquitoes. They were ATROCIOUS!!!! Thanks baby doll!!!!