Recent content by ndoutdrz

  1. N

    Live bait / minnows and leeche

    Found it!! They were closed this morning but I was still able to get a container of dozen leeches and also bought a couple of his Ridge Gliders out of his vending machine.
  2. N

    Live bait / minnows and leeche

    Not that I’m aware of. The convenience store part of the cafe/bar isn’t open. It’s the owners apartment. Where is the PK Lure shop located at in Linton?
  3. N

    Live bait / minnows and leeche

    Are there any live bait shops near Linton, ND? Looking for minnows and/or leeches in the Linton area. Thank you for your reply’s.
  4. N

    MR Crappie in Beaver Bay - south?

    Does Beaver Bay hold sizeable black crappie? I’ve caught one at the river/bay portion during ice fishing on the edge of the creek channel. Would love to get some black crappie for table fare!!!! TIA

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