Birth Of NDA


Founding Member
Founding Member
Jul 12, 2015
I think a lot of the not sharing of information on these sites like in the past is because of the lack of land that is available to hunt. You will never hear information of someone shooting a limit of pheasants daily or weekly on a certain plots piece. Nobody really wants to give away there secret small little lakes either because it doesn't take long before it gets inundated with people both resident and non. Facebook and other social media has really made it so any word out there is the death of your honey hole so people tend to share less.
I have a couple friends i correspond with occasionaly that always question where I got fish or other game. I don't have any probably giving info if they have any intention of going or will except my invite to have them come along, but just to tell them and then they share that with a couple other people over a cup of coffee or a beer. Not really big on that.


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Oct 29, 2019
I was on both FBO and NOD and they had twice the following as this site for hunting and fishing reports. Were they censured, yes mostly for the good of the website. If you posted dumb stuff it got taken down and you may be booted off. On this site anything and everything goes, no matter how dumb or stupid it maybe. Because all that matters is the amount of hits this site gets. One guy posted DO NOT RESPOND to another guy's post, hoping maybe the guy will go away. Nope didn't help, people just kept posting away.

KDM tried to start a feel good post with some merit or meaning. Nope it turned political , so he left. Probably one of the only people that actually help sportsman and he's gone. At least that what he said.

I don't know anyone else on here that has helped other sportsman.

This site is becoming a joke, mindless bantering and political back stabbing. I can see how people have 1000's of post. It's easy to have that many when there mostly garbage 🗑.


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 17, 2015
I think a lot of the not sharing of information on these sites like in the past is because of the lack of land that is available to hunt. You will never hear information of someone shooting a limit of pheasants daily or weekly on a certain plots piece. Nobody really wants to give away there secret small little lakes either because it doesn't take long before it gets inundated with people both resident and non. Facebook and other social media has really made it so any word out there is the death of your honey hole so people tend to share less.
I have a couple friends i correspond with occasionaly that always question where I got fish or other game. I don't have any probably giving info if they have any intention of going or will except my invite to have them come along, but just to tell them and then they share that with a couple other people over a cup of coffee or a beer. Not really big on that.
Very true; I remember the days on NDO back early 2000s guys (I think I even did a time or two) would post exact directions on where birds were feeding. Of course, I had never been beaten to a field or probably even had trouble finding a spot to hunt back then.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 24, 2015
no ideas, i was not part of the management team. Did enjoy while it was there.

For me it is hard to take camper as i feel for his own satisfaction he would destroy this site (adds nothing of any meanings or purpose) and why gst went and not camper i am not sure.

Maybe fewer negative comments about each other like i just wrote would help and more discussion on outdoor things. db

I do have a concern with the future. What happen to all the boob pictures?
You must have better things to worry about than me, I’m harmless. Also stupid take, why would I want to destroy this site? Again db, grow a pair, your life must be pretty good if I’m the biggest threat to anything you’ve got going.

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