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  1. freiday31

    Informtaion on ANS

    Just curious how much ANS are transported by migratory birds, storms and other natural occurances? Would seem like pelicans could be a major contributor for example. Are we just attempting to delay the inevitable or are humans the primary reason for the spread of ANS?
  2. freiday31

    Memorial Bridge - Bismarck

    So just out of curiosity then, what is officially deemed the ordinary high water mark? Is there a defined elevation for each parcel along the Missouri based on traditional release levels? Are there set levels at each flood monitoring point on the smaller rivers so you know where you can and...
  3. freiday31

    Memorial Bridge - Bismarck

    I guess I wasn't aware that land outside of city limits can't be owned. Is the Missouri different than all the other rivers in the state? If you canoe down the knife river, you are on public property. If you get out on shore, you are trespassing. No different than shoreline of lakes unless...
  4. freiday31

    Memorial Bridge - Bismarck

    The condos do own that property. An easement was granted to put in that road and water station. Happen to know some residents there.
  5. freiday31

    Who is in favor of slot limits

    I would think that a healthy fishery would have a representative population with decreasing scale based on age. If you are catching a great deal of large fish and no small ones, your fishery is in a world of hurt. If all you catch is small fish, your fishery is in a world of hurt. You have to...
  6. freiday31

    NETFLIX making a murderer

    He could have done it, but there are a lot of things that don't make sense. Her DNA shows up on the bullet and nothing else in the garage. No other blood or DNA in the garage. They even tore up the floor to test the cracks where blood could have run. Nothing. No DNA or blood evidence in the...
  7. freiday31

    Stuff they should make again...

    Genz worm XL.
  8. freiday31

    Ice fishing with fake bait??

    Agreed. I rep'd him up for ya svn.
  9. freiday31

    What is this?

    Based on the lack of a significant eye patch, I would say that is a juvenile melanistic rooster. Just the opposite of an albino.
  10. freiday31

    best ice traction units for over your boots

    I have this model. Goes right over my 1000 gram Danners and my feet stay nicely warm and dry while the studs give me all the traction I need. Just saw the following. Look intriguing with the additional upper. I have never gotten water over the top of mine however.
  11. freiday31

    Calling all Czech and Bohemians

    I will Czech with my mom.
  12. freiday31

    What would you do?

    For the record, I shot the deer. Not sure what I would "normally" do. Emotions are running a bit high after putting down my springer spaniel yesterday. Perhaps emotion beat out logic today. I wonder if this is what it feels like to be a female?
  13. freiday31

    What would you do?

    So I am out in the stand tonight, and along limps this button buck with what appears to be an open wound on his front right leg above the elbow. No hair, just flesh and tissue about the size of a golf ball. Do you shoot the button buck and end your season to end his misery or do you let him...
  14. freiday31

    Mountain Lion hit in NE ND

    Blasphemy!! There are no lions up that-away!!! Must have been a big yard cat that they mis-identified!
  15. freiday31

    Minnesota DNR investigating deer believed drowned by pontoon driver

    I just don't understand sometimes. What did this guy think the positive outcome would be? Don't most people act with at least a perceived positive outcome for someone/something? This is just pure stupidity.:;:huh
  16. freiday31

    What a evening

    Friday evening we headed out to a game management area close to home. We hiked in to small stand of trees that would give us great visibility of a wooded draw and a couple of tree rows and set up shop. Other than a few road hunters, it was pretty uneventful until just after sunset. I was...
  17. freiday31

    Ndsu vs. UND I've football

  18. freiday31

    Ndsu vs. UND I've football

    Just like when I wear Fighting Sioux apparel all over the counrty and the same thing happens? Every pilot and flight attendant in every says go Sioux. Just like I am offered significant money for my Sioux Jerseys at every NHL arena I have been in? Just because someone knows what something or...
  19. freiday31

    Ndsu vs. UND I've football

    Let's get something straight about both NDSU and UND. Nobody outside of North Dakota/Western Minnesota, Alumni and athletes families give a shit about anything related to either University. It's not like you can walk into a sporting goods store anywhere else in the country and grab a NDSU or...

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