Troy boy siebel


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Sep 15, 2018
I am pretty sure none of my 4 kids would be back talking an adult when they were 6 or 7, I am pretty sure my oldest at 31 wouldn't make this confrontation either. However if they did, I would expect the fella to tell them off.
My grandfather about through me out of the house as a child for not taking my hat off at the dinner table. Manners and respect were mandatory in that era.
Lots of shitty kids out there, and their shitty parents are to blame.
Was at the airport the other day, 3 kids I would say around 4 running every where and screaming. They tried getting into a restricted area and luckily the staff stopped them. The parents could have cared less. They were traveling with at least one other group of people with kids the same age. You could tell the Mom and dad from that group were very irritated. There kids sat nicely coloring in color books why the other kids ran around like they were on crack. I would guess one set were disciplined and taught being respectful of other people and your surroundings..the other…not so much. If my kids were playing with a football in a pool setting they would have been respectful for other people and made dam sure it didn’t bother another person in any way. If it so happened and errant ball went flying number one it would have been an apology to the person it may have affected and not a smart ass remark even at age 7. number 2 it would be the last time there was an errant ball thrown. People have no respect for other people or their surroundings..not all people. Seems to be 50/50 but I tell ya what I sure felt bad for the couple that had to deal with the other couples kids going on that trip.
I am also not saying how he handled it was correct. Pretty young to say something like that to them. We also probably don’t know the whole story..was this ball number 8 and he about had it? Again not defending him as I would have handled differently but god dam some parents need to be smacked up side the head and told to be a dam parent.
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★★ Legendary Member
Nov 19, 2017
N mandan
If you listen to Joel Heitcamp(who has to be the biggest pindick on the radio) the ND Republicans Epsteined him along with Wayne Stenjem because they all must have been traveling with Ray Holmberg having group orgies with adolescents boys overseas on the taxpayer dollar.

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