2137 House side

Fritz the Cat

Founding Member
Founding Member
May 11, 2015

69th Legislative Assembly (2025-27)

SB 2137​

EEngrossment$Fiscal Note
HJHouse JournalSJSenate Journal
01/1710:20 AMBill HearingSenate Agriculture and Veterans AffairsFort UnionThe use of supplemental feed for hunting. THE MEETING LOCATION FOR THIS BILL HEARING WILL BE IN THE JWING OF THE CAPITOL... ROOM 216.
Bill HearingSenate Agriculture and Veterans Affairs216Relating to the use of supplemental feed for hunting.
01/171:30 PMBill HearingSenate Agriculture and Veterans Affairs216CONTINUATION FROM THE MORNING HEARING - Relating to the use of supplemental feed for hunting
01/232:38 PMCommittee WorkSenate Agriculture and Veterans AffairsFort UnionCommittee Work: Relating to the use of supplemental feed for hunting.
03/078:30 AMBill HearingHouse Energy and Natural ResourcesCoteau ABRelating to the use of supplemental feed for hunting; and to provide an expiration date.Submit Testimony

2137 passed the Senate and after crossover moves to the House side. It was amended to include a four-year sunset clause to see how things are progressing. It has to pass the House in identical form, no more amendments. I wouldn't see a problem if the Bill had stayed in the House Ag committee. Chairman of the House Natural Resources, Rep. Todd Porter wants it in his committee.

Written testimony is beginning to come in.


In January written testimony largely favored 2137. That is needed again. Click on the blue Submit Testimony and follow the prompts.

Trip McNeely

Founding Member
Founding Member
May 16, 2015
Burleigh county
Guys in the northeast part of the state and eastern side better start contacting your house members and submitting testimony…… like predicted they are trying to slowly close the entire state a few units at a time. These will be the new units restricted if the game and fish follows their own “science” which up to this point we know they have not.

Fritz the Cat

Founding Member
Founding Member
Thread starter
May 11, 2015
The Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies is a 501(C)6 non-profit. The Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies is a 501(C)4 non-profit.

ND is within the Western. The WAFWA is a large area including Alaska, six Canadian Provinces and the western half of the U.S. The WAFWA has committees and working groups. What we debate about Chronic Wasting Disease is here:

Wildlife Health Committee – WAFWA

Scroll down to full roster or:

westernafwa.sharepoint.com/sites/WAFWA/Shared Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2FWAFWA%2FShared Documents%2FInitiatives_Committees_%26_Working Groups%2FWildlife Health Committee%2FRoster for website - do not delete%2FWildlife Health Committee Roster%2Epdf&parent=%2Fsites%2FWAFWA%2FShared Documents%2FInitiatives_Committees_%26_Working Groups%2FWildlife Health Committee%2FRoster for website - do not delete&p=true&ga=1

ND Game and Fish Director Jeb Williams is leadership sponsor and ND DVM Charlie Bahnson are on the panel of 28.

The WAFWA Wildlife Health Committee helped write the Best Management Practices 111 pages and BMP's 1st Supplement 22 pages. Short on science, long on supporting data. They are a wish list of changes AFWA would like to enact. (Especially no feeding of wildlife. CWD or prion theory provides the "crisis") They are recommendations, not law. People are yielding to the BMP's because they believe it came from somewhere higher. The Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies is not an agency, it is a non-profit NGO.

Elon Musk just did a podcast with Joe Rogan. He said,


"The whole 'NGO' thing is a nightmare," Musk said. "And it's a misnomer because if you have a government-funded non-governmental organization, you're simply a government-funded organization. It's an oxymoron." He added: "It does some good. So it’s not like 0% good. If it was really 0% good, it would be much easier to attack. So there’s going to be some percentage of good that they add in there. But it might be 5% or 10% good, while 90–95% is not."

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