Two weeks and counting and I will be in mexico eating ceviche every day i cant wait
got a particular variety/style you prefer? shrimp, fish, octopus, squid?
stuff is so clean/fresh gastronomically speaking - hard to explain
keep your eyes open for
ceviche negro - it's absolutely incredible
here's the story behind recado negro - the ingredient that makes ceviche negro taste like nothing I've ever tried. It's basically burnt chiles and corn tortillas - burnt meaning black (negro).
I ordered it not knowing what is was - I like to do that on occasion.
I couldn't believe how different it was (sauce kinda had the subtle flavor of old maids when you eat popcorn). WTF?
I went back a couple nights later and paid the chef $20 to come out to and make it for my family (Cozumel) while my daughter translated and I videoed. Ha ha. It was great - he felt like a star. It was awesome and now I know how to make it myself. : )